Books Thriller

Where the Truth Lies by Anna Bailey [book review]

Where the Truth Lies

Book: Where the Truth Lies

Author: Anna Bailey

Published: August 3, 2021

Publisher: Atria Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 384

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About Where the Truth Lies

Where the Truth Lies takes place in the town of Whistling Ridge. Everything is fine up until a girl disappears. As the investigation progresses the town’s secrets start to unravel. This town is a God-fearing town. Everyone sins but you must do your best not to. That’s why some children run away and never come back. Some of the people in town can’t really blame them. They had mean families and didn’t have the best life here, even though they never stepped in to help. But did the girl who disappeared actually run away or is something else going on?

Where the Truth Lies
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about Where the Truth Lies

I want to thank Anna Bailey and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review Where the Truth Lies. I always enjoy a good thriller and this was no exception. This story in many ways captivated but also made me a bit sad. Some of the families in this story are a**holes and are pretty much the reason why some non-Christians don’t want to give religion a chance. I get that people have other reasons but families like the ones in this book are the reason why people push away from it even though not everyone is like that.

The Characters

The story follows Abi, Noah, and Jude. I really found myself liking Abi but I felt bad for her most of the time. She loses her best friend and the community around her is racist towards Mexicans. They don’t really do her right but honestly, that’s the sad reality of what the world goes through even though I wish it wasn’t. On top of that, you have Noah who is a closeted gay in a very religious community.

All of the characters in the story are very smart even though they do some of the dumbest things at the wrong time. But they’re young. Young people always seem to do the dumbest things that will result in possible backlash. It’s normal. I just hate that the characters live in a town that is nowhere near open-minded. Despite them going through a tough time I still love all of the characters Ann created.

The Plot

The plot of the story is mainly focused on finding out what happened to Abi’s friend. It also deals with Noah wanting to find her but also feeling guilty about trying to be in a forbidden relationship. If it wasn’t for their determination and secretiveness then they may have never figure out what happened.

Where the Truth Lies is going to be a book I recommend for a while to those who love thrillers. Why? Because the story is pretty fast-paced that will suck you in from the very first page. At least it sucked me in! The only thing is that story will captivate you on top of making you sad about the whole situation considering this is something that can happen in reality.

How do you guys feel about thrillers that kind of mirrors reality? I know a lot of thrillers do this but it does seem like a lot of them are a bit more overdramatized compared to things that actually happen. Because of that, I guess it’s hard for me to be able to see these things happening around me.

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If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives.

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