Books Horror

We Hear Voices by Evie Green [book review]

We Hear Voices

Book: We Hear Voices

Author: Evie Green

Published: December 1, 2020

Publisher: Berkley


Genre: Horror

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We Hear Voices book Summary:

We Hear Voices follows Billy and his family. Billy surprisingly recovers from a fatal flu that has killed many others. It doesn’t help that his mother thought he was on the verge of death. So when he recovers and starts talking about an imaginary friend she doesn’t think anything of it. That is until Billy starts acting out and claims his imaginary friend is telling him what to do. Can Billy’s family figure out what’s going on with him before it’s too late?

We Hear Voices

Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought of We Hear Voice

I was pretty excited about reading We Hear Voices last year when I found out it was coming out. I know I know I’m just now getting to it a year later and honestly, I forgot what it was about. If I had reread the blub like I should have I probably wouldn’t have even picked it up. It has nothing to do with the book in itself but because it’s about a pandemic and I’m absolutely tired of anything and everything pandemic-related. Despite that, there are some aspects I really like about We Hear Voices.

The Characters

I don’t know what it is about child protagonists that I love so much but I really like them. I think it’s mostly because you don’t expect certain things to happen with that child unless they grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, to begin with. Otherwise, children raised in a normal environment with parents that actually care you wouldn’t think they would go in the wrong direction.

Even though children with imaginary friends have been a bit overdone I still like them. Mostly because children have vivid imaginations so you don’t really know if they saw something they weren’t supposed to and are imagining now or if something is really there. Kids embellish the truth so much that it’s hard to believe them when it comes to things like this. I might be changing my mind whenever my son starts having imaginary friends!

The characters weren’t the problem with this book at all. I loved the mother, Billy, and Billy’s sister because they wanted to help him as much as possible and figure out how to make him better. The issue is how the book ended.

The Plot of We Hear Voices

So, for a good chunk of the story I actually really enjoyed it. I wanted to know what was causing the children to hear voices. Why are the children surviving but are the only ones that are hearing them? Is there a reason why adults aren’t hearing them as well? I found that whole thing interesting and kind of creepy. In a way it really made me think about the situation we’re currently going through and how people would process it all. I swear if this was going on during our pandemic there would be mass hysteria because instead of helping to solve the problem so many people make things worse.

It wasn’t until the end of the book that I ended up being really disappointed. I love stories where you don’t really expect the ending or there’s some sort of twist that makes you go WHAT THE HELL! Even though the ending was a bit of a surprise to me I felt like it was more of an easy way out on the ending of the book. I really do wish I had enjoyed it more!

What kind of horror stories do you like to read?

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