Books Thriller

The Wives by Tarryn Fisher [book review]

The Wives

Books: The Wives

Author: Tarryn Fisher

Published: December 30, 2018

Publisher: Graydon House

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 256

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The Wives book summary:

The Wives is about Thursday. She’s been with her husband for a while. Her husband has two other wives. She knew her husband was already married and she has always been okay with it. The only thing is that none of the wives are allowed to meet each other. On top of that, she doesn’t really know anything about them either. They call one Monday and one Tuesday so Thursday doesn’t know their real names. They picked those names because those are usually the days he meets up with them. It’s not until one day Thursday finds something in his pants pocket that leads her to one of his other wives. That’s when she starts to question everything.

The Wives
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Wives:

The Wives is a psychological thriller about a woman named Thursday who is married to a man who is in a relationship with two other women. Thursday knows this and she’s okay with it. She knew what she was getting into when she first started dating him. But it’s not until Thursday finds something in his pocket that leads her to one of the other wives.

At first, she just tried to forget about the whole thing but the longer she tried to forget about it the more it actually piqued her interest. What’s it going to hurt to see what the woman looks like? Instead, it turns into something a little more and she finds things out that she really wasn’t really meant to know.

The Plot

So, I partly picked up this book because it’s pretty popular. I know I probably shouldn’t do that since not all popular books are not what they are cracked up to be. On top of that, the book piqued my interest. I always really enjoy psychological thrillers. That’s partly because most of the time I’m never really able to guess what’s going to happen towards the ending of the book. And that’s usually the way that I like it.

The start of the story for me is actually really slow. I had a hard time getting into it because there’s a lot of build-up to when Thursday finds something in her husband’s jacket pocket and sees that it’s a doctor’s note for one of his other wives. There was a point when I actually thought about stopping. When I got halfway through the book is when it started getting so much better. I’m really glad that I stuck with it because the book got so much better.

There is a bit of twist with this book that I wasn’t expecting…Like at all. That’s a good thing because I hate guessing the ending before the actual ending. The twist ended up being something that I really wasn’t expecting to happen. I know a lot of other readers didn’t really like this book and it kind of does come across as a bit crazy.

The Characters

There aren’t many women who would be okay with their husbands having other lovers. I thought Thursday was nuts. It’s one thing for all of them to know each other and actually live together. But for Seth, her husband, to sleep with each wife on a different day and they don’t know each other just made me crazy. What was this man hiding from Thursday? Did he lie to her? If he did lie then why did he go with such an outrageous lie?

That’s mostly what I wanted to know throughout the book. Why keep them separated and not know each other if all of them are okay with it? It just didn’t add up. I honestly thought maybe he was just trying to find a way to cheat on one woman so the ending really did throw me off.

Have you read this book yet? If you have read it what did you think?

If you like psychological thrillers then you might enjoy My Lovely Wife.

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7 thoughts on “The Wives by Tarryn Fisher [book review]

  1. Shalini

    Sounds exciting. Like my kinda read

    1. admin

      I ended up really enjoying it!

  2. Mehsi

    Great read, sounds interesting. I agree with you on thinking this woman sounds nuts. I wouldn’t want my hubby to have other wives… Nope. NOPE.

    1. admin

      I know I couldn’t do it!

  3. DJ Sakata

    This is one of those authors I keep meaning to read – thanx for the prompt!

  4. Nadene

    I read this and enjoyed it. The twist near the end came so unexpected.

  5. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    I really wanna read this one!

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