Books Mystery Thriller

The Secrets You Keep by: Kate White [book review]

The Secrets You Keep

Book: The Secrets You Keep

Author: Kate White

Published: March 21, 2017

Publisher: Harper Paperbacks

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 368

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About The Secrets You Keep

The Secrets You Keep follows a successful self-help author when her life comes tumbling down. Bryn Harper has an accomplished life but right now she has a lot to deal with. She’s still trying to recover from a horrible car accident that has left her with nightmares. She can’t really shake that the nightmares contain a warning. In the beginning her husband, Guy, was so supportive. But when they move into a new home, he starts becoming secretive. Why now? When a woman who was catering their event is brutally murdered, Bryn’s world starts to tumble.

The Secrets You Keep

What I thought

So, I found the Secrets You Keep when I was scrolling through the library app trying to find a book to read and listen to. Of course, one of the books that pops up on my recommendations is a thriller book. Who would have guessed! I’m teasing because I love thrillers and it’s only logical that the app would only recommend me more books like that.

Why did I pick up The Secrets You Keep though? Lately I don’t know what it is about thrillers where the main characters are having marital problems. I would never want these types of problems in my marriage. Granted I would never want any type of problems in my marriage, but it happens. I’ll say this again in more posts but if the drama is fictional or doesn’t include me then I’ll be sitting there with popcorn. I like the drama when it comes to these types of books.

That’s something that won’t be changing anytime soon. For me I think it’s kind of a scary thing to have a very supportive husband and then one day something flips. I would not want this happening in my marriage at all. Things do change and I understand that, but I would be so mad if my husband was keeping secrets when I thought things were good.

The Secret You Keep characters are Guy and Bryn. I actually kind of like Bryn even though she’s pretty horrible at taking care of herself. There’s no way I would have stuck with Guy once I found out he was keeping secrets from me though. Guy on the other hand is a character that I didn’t like very well, but I mean it’s kind of obvious why. I would not want to be with someone who I was sure was hiding something from me.

This is one book that I actually listened to. I have been listening to more and more audiobooks lately and I love it. I do have to say that the narrator did a really good job with The Secrets You Keep.

The only thing that bothered me is that for a successful self-help author she does a poor job helping herself. Unfortunately, The Secrets You Keep ending isn’t one of the best that I have read but it’s still pretty good.

For me The Secrets You Keep is a four-star read and completely worth reading! If you like books like this then you may also enjoy My Lovely Wife.

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