Books Fantasy

The Memory Collectors by Kim Neville [book review]

The Memory Collectors

Book: The Memory Collectors

Author: Kim Neville

Published: March 16, 2021

Publisher: Atria Books

Genre: Ault Fantasy

Pages: 400

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The Memory Collectors book summary:

The Memory Collectors follows Ev. She has a mysterious ability that not a lot of people know about. Her gift is being able to feel the emotions on objects that people have left behind. Some are good feelings and others are not all that great. But each object needs to be handled with care. None of them should be given to just any random person. The ones that hold bad memories tend to drive the owner mad which is why Ev only gets things with good memories attached. Unfortunately, a person Ev knows is holding on to tons of these types of objects. So much so that it’s making her neighbors sick. Can Ev help her get rid of some of those objects?

The Memory Collectors
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Rating: 2 out of 5.

What I thought about The Memory Collectors:

So, I seem to be in the minority with this book. It seems like a lot of people are really enjoying it and raving about it. However, that’s not going to happen here. Sorry. The concept of this book really caught my attention. It’s a cool idea to be able to feel what those felt with really important objects. It’s also kind of scary because with the bad objects they can completely take over your emotions and make you someone you’re not. Unfortunately, I wound up getting a little bored with the storyline because it’s slow and there’s little to no background.


Ev could’ve been a really cool character but instead, she was turned into this boring and kind of whiney character that I couldn’t even enjoy. A good portion of the book is pretty much about her reconnecting with her sister and then getting upset when her sister doesn’t exactly keep her up to date on things. In fact, Ev acted like her sister’s mother more than anything else. I get that she kind of had to be but it wasn’t something I was exactly interested in reading about.

Ev’s power is actually pretty cool but it was thrown in a plot that doesn’t live up to expectations.

The Plot

I so wish I could have enjoyed The Memory Collectors and what was offered to us. But like I said I wound up finding the book slow and I just couldn’t get into it all. Even when there is some action within the plot it doesn’t really make the book worth reading.

Being able to feel the memories wound up being kind of a boring power, at least the way it was used in this book.

Thank you for reading my review of The Memory Collectors. If you enjoy my blog then make sure to subscribe to my newsletter. It would mean the world to me and it will help you stay up to date on a blog post. Make sure to let me know what you thought of the book in the comments.

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