Books Fantasy

The Future is Yours by Dan Frey [book review]


Book: The Future is Yours

Author: Dan Frey

Published: February 9, 2021

Publisher: Del Rey Books

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Pages: 352

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About The Future is Yours:

The Future is Yours is a Sci-Fi book by Dan Frey. This book follows Ben Boyce and Adhi Chaudry. They are best friends that started all the way back in college. They are the type of friends that would do anything for each other. But when they create a computer that is able to connect to the internet one year in the future their friendship starts to strain. You’re able to see who you are dating, what your job will be like, what kind of job you’ll have, stocks, and all sorts of things you would really want to know about your future. But could a technology like this cause a lot of trauma to those who have it? What if The Future shows you something that you don’t exactly want to see?

The Future Is Yours
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Future is Yours:

I’m actually pretty surprised I picked this book up. Usually, I don’t care for anything Sci-Fi because I automatically think of Star Wars or at least something dealing with aliens or space in some way. I hate that I feel that way but that type of Sci-Fi is not for me and ends up boring me. However, that’s not really the case with this book. I actually love the idea of being able to have a book where you can see one year into the future. But I don’t know how I would feel if I ended up finding out something bad about my future. I honestly don’t know how that would affect my present if something bad were to happen in the future.

The Characters

Dan Frey actually does a really good job with the characters. He’s able to really get you to connect with them and get you to feel how they are feeling. However, I do have to say that Ben Boyce really got on my nerves. He’s arrogant and pushy. There are multiple times he pushes others into things that they didn’t really want to do. Even though he helped Adhi out a lot and helped him get out of his shell I also don’t think he was that great of a friend. Ben constantly pushed Adhi into things that he wasn’t really comfortable with and I kind of hate that about him.

Adhi is one I actually did like. There are times that I kind of felt pretty bad for him. He’s a really smart guy but very awkward. I can kind of relate to his awkwardness and get why he doesn’t exactly want to be the face of his business. Being in the spotlight for something he created can be hard. On top of that, I hated that he had feelings for someone he wasn’t really supposed to have feelings for. That can be hard when you really want to find someone who loves and cares for you.

The Plot/Writing

The plot of The Future is Yours is actually really good. It keeps you interested and wondering what exactly will happen next. What kind of consequences does this type of computer have? This is also something I can see happening when the tech world wants to push through and create something that’s exciting and new. Also, I can see a lot of hype with some type of tech like this.

I do kind of wish that this story focused more on technology and its advantages/disadvantages. Instead, the book is focused more on the pettiness of the business aspect of the story. That’s not something I was really expecting when I requested the book and I think I would have been a lot happier if it focused on something else.

Another thing that bothered me is the way that this book is written. It’s full of emails, text messages, and news articles. Granted having it this way did make the story go by a lot faster but it made the book a lot less like an actual story. I get why Dan wanted to write it this way though!

How do you feel about a computer that would let you see one year in the future?

If you like the idea of this book then you might also like Holdout.

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5 thoughts on “The Future is Yours by Dan Frey [book review]

  1. DJ Sakata

    This sounds more than a bit frustrating

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      It still ended up being somewhat good!

  2. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    Excellent review! I’m not into sci fi all the time but this does appeal to me.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Usually I’m not into Sci-Fi either so I’m kind of surprised I ended up enjoying this one.

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