Book: The Jigsaw Man
Author: Nadine Matheson
Published: March 16, 2021
Publisher: Hanover Square Press
Genre: Crime Thriller
Pages: 496
The Jigsaw Man book summary:
The Jigsaw Man mostly follows Angelica Henley as she returns back to being a detective. Her last case gave her a hard time and for a while, she was pretty much doing paperwork. Now that her boss thinks that she’s ready mentally and physically to return back to solving bigger cases. But on her first day back a body is found in pieces. As they dwell deeper into the case the detectives realize that this new killer is a copycat of the original jigsaw killer. But is this new killer doing it to flatter the original killer? Or is there another reason behind his motives?

What I thought about The Jigsaw Man:
I am so so happy that I got the chance to read and review The Jigsaw Man. I picked the book up because it kind of reminds me of a movie but I can’t really recall which one. On top of that, the summary of the book sounded really good. I don’t know what it is about books that deal with serial killers that make me want to pick it up and read it. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like the idea of what they do but it does make me curious about what goes on in their head. What makes the wiring in their brain so different from the average person? I guess that’s partly why these types of things grab my attention.
The Plot
I think the plot is where the book lost me. Don’t get me wrong though. The book is pretty good and the plot is solid. But there are a lot of slow parts when it comes to the storyline. I don’t really even think that’s at the fault of the author. Every once in a while I kind of want to try something different just to see if my mind changes about it. That’s what I wound up doing with The Jigsaw Man. I absolutely love thrillers but when it comes to crime thrillers I wind up losing interest pretty quickly compared to any other thriller.
I wish I wasn’t this way when it comes to crime thrillers because they really are good. I’m just weird when it comes to them.
There are times that this book gets a little graphic though. I’m not going to state what because I don’t want to give anything away. Even though it does get graphic in some parts it really doesn’t last long. If it bothers you that much though you can skip it without really missing a whole lot!
The Characters
So the story mostly follows Angelica Henley. She’s had a hard time with her job and her job is causing her to have a hard time with her husband. I have to say that I really like Angelica’s character. Nadine does her character justice because she’s not overdone or underdone. She has developed throughout the story and she has real-world problems. On top of that, her problems are dealt with accordingly and aren’t just thrown off to the side leaving loose ends by the end of the book.
Leaving really big loose ends at the end of a novel bothers me so so much. Don’t get that confused with cliffhangers though. I love cliffhangers but I hate waiting for the next book to come out. However, I never like when small problems that really need to be solved in the first book aren’t. Thankfully that doesn’t happen in The Jigsaw Man.
On top of that, a lot of the supporting characters that we get a little viewpoint from are well done too. I do kind of wish we got a little bit more of the viewpoint of the jigsaw killer though. We do get a little bit but I couldn’t help wanting a little bit more of his point of view!
Do you enjoy Crime thrillers?
Thanks for reading my review of The Jigsaw Man! If you want to read another review of a thriller I really enjoyed you can check out my review for My Lovely Wife!