Books Thriller

The Imposter by Marin Montgomery [book review]

The Imposter

Book: The Imposter

Author: Marin Montgomery

Published: Thomas & Mercer

Publisher: March 9, 2021

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 413

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The Imposter book summary:

The Imposter is an adult thriller by Marin Montgomery. The story follows Sibley Sawyer and Deborah a mother and daughter duo who have been estranged for a long time. On the outside looking in Sibley’s life looks really good. She has an awesome job and is the best husband out there. But life isn’t always as it seems from those looking in. Before Sibley tries to get her life back together she wants to try and make amends with her mother. When she shows up at her mother’s home unannounced everything around the home isn’t as it use to be. Her mother has really let everything go along with herself. With things going awry around her mother will Sibley be able to figure out what’s going on? And why exactly is her mother the target?

The Imposter
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought of The Imposter

So, I picked up The Imposter 1) because of the cover and 2) the synopsis sounded really good. I love a good thriller book. I especially love a good thriller with a surprise ending. Those are the best because they aren’t really the ones that you’re expecting. Or they are the ones you’re expecting and they still don’t end the way you expected. On the plus side, this book really does grab your attention from the very beginning.

The Characters

The book has two points of view and that’s Sibley Sawyer and Deborah Sawyer. They are both very unlikeable characters. Typically I don’t care for a book where it seems like all of the characters are unlikable and unrelatable. That partly means that you really can’t connect with anyone. On top of that, they can be a bit annoying and selfish. Despite that, I still enjoyed the story. Both of the characters are very imperfect even if it may be a little exaggerated.

I do have to say that Sibley annoyed me the most out of all of the characters. She’s an alcoholic and boy I just wanted to slap her if I could. She’s infuriating and so aggravating. How she was able to function and keep her job for as long as she did is beyond me. Her mother had actually had a reason to act a bit nuts. I wish she was at least a little bit likable.

The Plot

Despite that, the characters aren’t really likable all that much the plot of The Imposter is really good. The story keeps you wondering what is going on around Deborah and Sibley. Are they both crazy? Who would be trying to torture them? Has Sibley’s mother gone crazy being alone all of these years? 

I honestly wish Deborah wasn’t taken advantage of all of those years that she was alone. I get it though. No one is really there to help and all of these years she’s just been a bit submissive. Why change now? I just hate that those around her try to take full advantage of her. 

I honestly can’t wait to read more books by Marin!

What do you guys think of books where the main characters aren’t very likable?

If you like this review make sure to check out my review for My Lovely Wife!

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