Books Contemporary

The F List by Alessandra Torre [book review]


The F List book review

The F List

Book: The F List

Author: Alessandra Torre

Published: April 29, 2020

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Pages: 350

Amazon | BookshopGoodreads

The F List book summary:

The F List is about Emma. She didn’t exactly have the best life and she had parents who never really seemed to care for her. That is until she takes matters into her own hands and makes her life better. She starts off by getting herself an agent and making herself internet famous. How she handles everything is highly calculated and well thought out, but why doesn’t her heart get the memo to not fall in love with someone who has been in this industry all of his life.

The F List
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The F List:

The F List is about a woman who gets tired of the way things are in her life. She has no money and doesn’t seem to have a family that acts as they care. Why don’t they care? Why do they start to care as soon as she has money? Will things go the ways she wants them? Or will her family and the media ruin how she has presented herself?

The Plot

So, it’s not that often that I read books like this. That’s mostly because I really like to stick to a genre I know I really like. But every once in a while I like to break free from my typical reads. That’s mostly because it kind of helps me get out of a reading funk. This is especially the case if it was a book I ended up really enjoying.

The F List turned out to be a really good book about a woman who breaks free from living the paycheck to paycheck life. However, most people who were born into this life still consider her as trailer trash since she wasn’t born into money. That doesn’t stop her though. That also doesn’t stop her from getting millions of followers from people who either think she’s pretty or people who can kind of relate to her.

The Characters

There are times when I really didn’t like Emma though. Don’t get me wrong it’s great to be able to read about a woman who is able to do well for herself but for a while, I felt that her emotions/feelings were a bit all over the place. One minute you think she likes this guy and then the next minute you’re not really sure if she does or not. When it comes to romance I always hate conflicting emotions and characters not being able to decide what they really want. Maybe it’s just me because I know a lot of people enjoy this type of thing.

Even though this is a fictional story it is kind of nice to see what “famous” people go through on a day-to-day basis and what they may sometimes go through on a reality tv show. Even though being famous has its perks I don’t think it’s something that I would ever want to do. I know I wouldn’t want to be on a reality tv show either, but I also think that I’m way too boring for that kind of thing. I know most of them are scripted but there are times I know I would be trying to start an argument with someone and I would end up laughing and not being able to be serious.

How do you guys feel about books that deal with reality shows? Do you guys think that it’s logical that someone who comes from nowhere is able to make herself famous? Or do you think that’s something that’s not really realistic and it’s all about the person you know?

If you’ve read the book then did you like it?

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