Books Thriller YA

Escape Room by Maren Stoffels [book review]

Escape Room

Book: Escape Room

Author: Maren Stoffels

Publisher: July 7, 2020

Published: Underlined Paperback

Genre: Young adult thriller

Pages: 224

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Escape Room book summary:

There are four young adults. Two boys and two girls. They are all friends and they all have a secret. None of them really know each other’s deepest darkest secret. One afternoon all four of them go to this new attraction in town. It’s called an Escape Room. You’re in the room for an hour and you have to figure out all of the clues in order to get out. Before the clock starts to clock down you’re given the story of the room you’re in that’s supposed to help give you an idea of where to start looking for clues. But this Escape room is different. By different, I mean that it is wanting to expose each kid’s secret.

Escape Room
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought about Escape Room:

I’m sure most of you know what an Escape Room is by now. They have been taking a sweep across America and I’m sure other places too. An Escape Room is basically like a game of Clue where you’re given a story about the room that should help find the first clue. Once you find the first clue it should help you find the second clue until you have solved the mystery of the room. The only difference with this room is that there’s a person who doesn’t want to let them out. Who could that person be? And why would they want to hurt these four kids?

The Plot

Escape Room is pretty much a young adult murder mystery. The book is short and sweet and you kind of get to know each character. I do kind of feel like you don’t really get to know the characters all too well, but I guess that’s done on purpose so you can’t really figure out the ending.

This is the type of book I can actually see happening in real life where something bad happens and then a character wants revenge. If that character is smart then they will find a perfect way to get revenge on someone.

Escape Room has been one of those books that I’m a little indifferent about. The storyline is good and I like most of the characters but in a way the storyline also kind of falls a little flat. The book is a pretty quick read and you should be able to finish it in the day but I do feel like it’s not as action-packed as it should be.

It turns out to be one of those books that I enjoyed but was also kind of disappointed in. I’m not sure what I was expecting with Escape Room but I do kind of wish the story was drawn out a little bit more. I also would have liked to have seen better backstories for the characters.

The Characters

The one thing I really did end up enjoying is that the one girl who is shy and not very strong ends up changing as soon as she gets into the escape room. She becomes strong and confident in herself because an Escape Room is somewhere she can excel. A character like her is perfect for all of the little girls that are just like her. You don’t always have to be this shy friendless person. You can excel at something that really fits you. And you can be that strong person you have always wanted to be when you’re doing something you love.

Escape Room is a decent book but it’s definitely something that I probably won’t be rereading anytime soon. If you like who done it type of books then I really do recommend reading this one.

Have you guys read this book yet? If so what did you think? Have any of you actually been in an Escape Room before?  I haven’t but I would love to try one out soon! I’m sure I’d get all of the guesses wrong though. Usually, when I’m put on the spot I can’t really think!

If you like YA thrillers then you might like The Girl in the Headlines.

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5 thoughts on “Escape Room by Maren Stoffels [book review]

  1. Mehsi

    Great review! So happy to see Dutch authors get their books translated to English! I really loved the book when it came out in 2017, there were a couple of things that made me facepalm, but also plenty I loved. As for an escape room, never been in one, on the one hand I would like to… on the other hand not so much. Maybe I will just try one when this corona stuff is over.

  2. Shalini

    Ooh I would love to read this

  3. Lindsey

    Great review! Sometimes a book just falls into the “okay” category and you can’t necessarily say why, doesn’t it? It doesn’t surprise me actually that this is a premise for a book. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Faye

    This sounds like a really unique concept for a book! I’m definitely intrigued by it. It sounds like a really easy to read book 🙂

    1. admin

      It was definitely unique. There’s also a scary movie that kind of deals with this concept too!

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