Book Discussion Books Thriller

Thrillers by black authors


Have you been wanting to read more diverse books but unsure where to start? For a while now I have been wanting to create a blog post about thrillers by black authors. If you’re anything like me then you probably don’t pay attention to the authors very much. I mean nothing against the authors because I know the book is their babies. All I really pay attention to is the cover and what the book is about.

Thrillers by black authors

I’ve started slowly realizing that there’s a problem with me doing this. This is mostly because I’ve noticed that if I don’t really pay attention then I’m going to be picking up more by white authors without even realizing it. From this point on I do want to work on changing that.

Thrillers by black authors

Make sure to let me know in the comments what thrillers by black authors I may be missing. I love finding new books to read and I want to hear some of your favorites!

When No One is Watching

Thrillers by black authors

Sydney Green was born and raised in Brooklyn. In the blink of an eye, her neighborhood is quickly changing and her neighbors are quickly moving away. To redirect her frustration she starts putting her focus on a walking tour. She finds an unwanted assistant that just moved into her neighborhood. As they dive deep into the history Sydney starts finding out secrets that make her paranoid.

Right around the time this book was released there was a lot of hype surrounding it. Which means I really need to get to it. I can’t even begin to explain how many times I saw the book on Instagram and readers were giving it praise.

The premise kind of sounds a little creepy as well and makes me wonder what exactly happens in the story.

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My Sister, The Serial Killer

Thrillers by black authors

One night Korede’s dinner is interrupted. It’s a frantic call from her sister Ayoola and Korede already knows to grab the bleach and rubber gloves. This will be the third boyfriend Ayoola has killed in what she claims were self-defense and Korede has to help her discard him.

I can’t remember where exactly I saw this book or who recommended it but almost as soon as I saw it I wound up buying it. Why? I don’t really watch many movies or shows that deal with serial killers but I love reading about them.

My Sister, The Serial Killer kind of makes me think what would happen if one of my siblings were to kill someone. Are there others out there who would go to these lengths to protect their sister? Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter below if you want to make sure you don’t miss the book review when I get to it.

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When Lena Johnson’s grandma dies and the extent of their debt is revealed, she decides to drop out of college to help support her family. She takes on a remote job in Lakewood, Michigan but her job seems too good to be true. The job pays well and pays for any medical expenses Lena may have. On top of that, she has a free place to live. All she has to do is participate in a secret program. Even though the job seems great, she has to lie to her friends and family about what kind of research is being done.

Lakewood has been popping up on my radar a lot lately as well and it catches my attention every time! I mean come on look at that cover. It’s a simple cover but does well at catching the reader’s attention.

The premise of Lakewood is pretty sketchy and I love it. You would think having to keep a secret about a job would be a major red flag so I’m curious what exactly the main character got herself into.

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They All Fall Down

Miriam Macy is surprised when she gets an invite to an island off the coast of Mexico. When she heads there she travels with six strangers – an ex-cop, a chef, a financial advisor, a nurse, a lawyer, and a young widow. They’re surrounded by miles of water. When they get there she’s surprised they were invited under false pretenses and all seven of them have a secret.

I’m just now hearing about They All Fall Down after doing some research for this post. This is the type of thriller that seems right up my alley. I get as a reader I already know that we’re supposed to be wary about what the main character is doing. BUT if this was a real situation I don’t think I would even go. I guess that’s one of the perks of being an introvert because there is no way I would be going to an island with six people I do not even know. Then again I’m probably not as adventurous as the main character.

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Catherine House

Catherine House is a place for higher learning. It is hidden in the woods in Pennsylvania. Most who go there come out as something prestigious. But they have to give up their clothes, give up talking to their friends and family. For Ines, the Catherine House is the closest thing to a home she’s ever had. Soon in the constrictions of the home, Ines starts to figure out that the home and the people controlling it might have a deadly agenda.

So I haven’t heard of this book either until I started doing research for this post. I don’t know what it is about books that revolve around school that always seem to grab my attention.

I think they grab my attention because I went to a public school and then a technical college and nothing really scandalous happened. So I really enjoy books where something crazy happens at a school, especially one that is supposed to be elite and full of people that are really smart. Just because they are smart doesn’t mean they can’t do something crazy.

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Ace of Spades

Thriller books by black authors

Niveus Private Academy is figuratively filled with money and students that are never less than perfect. This is until now when an anonymous texter brings two students’ dark secrets to life.

Ace of Spades is one that I’ve been hearing about a lot lately as well too. The story seems interesting enough and I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I don’t if it really catches my attention like some of the other books on this list but who knows, some of you guys may really want to read this one.

I do have to say that the cover is amazing and the person who did it did a really good job. It catches my attention anyways!

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Are there any thrillers by black authors that I missed? Let me know in the comments what some of your favorites are! If you enjoyed this post then make sure to check out my post Horror books by black authors.

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