
Seven Dirty Secrets by Natalie D. Richards [book review]

Seven Dirty Secrets

Book: Seven Dirty Secrets

Author: Natalie D. Richards

Published: November 2, 2021

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Pages: 320

Genre: YA Thriller

Amazon | Bookshop

Seven Dirty Secrets summary

Today is Cleo’s birthday. Her parents are out of town and all she wants is to have a little bit of fun. It is her day. When she wakes up she starts getting ready for the day to hang out with her best friend. But when she wakes up she starts getting ready for the day to hang out with her best friend But when she gets out of the shower there’s a gift on the counter. No one is home but her so how did someone get into the house? Could it have been her brother or her best friend? They both know Cleo loves a good mystery so she pushes the thought back thinking they want to surprise her. When she finds out that the gift is the start of a scavenger hunt. A part of her is excited but another part of her knows that something is wrong with this. When Cleo and her best friend start the hunt they quickly realize they are being blackmailed for something that happened a year ago. Is there a way they can get out of this?

What I thought

So, I managed to get an advanced copy of Seven Dirty Secrets a few months back. Obviously, I’m a little late with reading and reviewing it. But better late than never right?

so, what exactly made me pick up Seven Dirty Secrets? One reason is because of the cover. I love the way the cover looks and that’s what originally grabbed my attention. That’s not the only reason though. I have always enjoyed reading thrillers and YA thrillers are really no different. Honestly, I don’t care what age group it is for as long as it’s good.

Seven Dirty Secrets has a good concept and seemed very interesting. I mean how would you feel about getting a gift that leads you down a path where you’re pretty much being blackmailed. You thought no one knew other than your friends. So is one of your friends blackmailing you?

Most of this book is pretty good. The only thing is that it doesn’t do a good job deflecting you from what’s going to happen towards the end. I guessed who the “bad guy” was towards the beginning of the book. That’s not a good thing when most of the book is trying to throw you off. It was just so obvious. Otherwise, the story is pretty good. It’s fast-paced and keeps you reading. I do feel like there could have been more to the characters. I’m not sure what it was but I feel like something was missing with them.

Seven Dirty Secrets is the perfect book for those who enjoy murder mysteries.

Seven Dirty Secrets

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