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Pawsitively Cursed by Melissa Erin Jackson [book review]


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Pawsitively Cursed

Book: Pawsitively Cursed

Author: Melissa Erin Jackson

Published: September 19, 2019

Publisher: Ringtail Press

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Pages: 328

Amazon | BookshopGoodreads

Pawsitively Cursed Book summary:

Pawsitively Cursed is the second book in the Witch of Edgehill series. It is a cozy mystery that follows Amber Blackwood. Amber has a secret that only her family knows about. She lost her parents when she was young and she has been haunted by their death ever since. She never really understood what exactly happened to them and thought it was just an accident. That is until this book when she finds out a cursed family of witches is the reason why her parents are dead. Now they are after Amber because they think she has something that they want. Can Amber escape their grasp?

Pawsitively Cursed
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Pawsitively Cursed:

Somehow I managed to discover Melissa through Netgalley and I’m really glad that I did. I found her debut book called The Forgotten Child and it turned out to be one of my favorite books! Usually, I’m not really into cozy mysteries mostly because they seem really cheesy. Not these though. The Witch of Edgehill series is a cozy mystery about a small town surrounded by cats. That’s a part of their charm and what most of their stores are named after. Amber has lived there for a while now and no one knows her secret. She’s a witch and she’s afraid to let anyone find out about it. But when cursed witches are set to come after her is someone in town bound to find out?

The Plot

I picked up this book mostly because I read the first one and I really had to read this one. Plus, look at that gorgeous cover. That cover is what attracted me to the book in the first place. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but having a pretty awesome cover sure does help. Surprisingly I don’t think I’ve ever read a book about witches since Harry Potter but that’s something that I really need to change that. After a really long hiatus from books about witches I’m really glad I started with this one. Melissa has quickly become one of my favorite authors and so far her books are one’s I will instantly pick up.

I really enjoy the writing style and Amber has quickly become one of my favorite characters. She’s so relatable and someone I can imagine being really good friends with. I really like the idea of witches being cursed and this book takes on a different perspective of how Lord Voldemort was in the Harry Potter series. I’m just a little sad about how things ended with Amber and her love interest. I find myself really similar to Amber. She finds it hard to get herself out there and closes herself off a little bit. And that’s completely understandable. I just wish things would have ended up a little different.

Do you guys like books about witches? What about cozy mysteries?

Other Books by Melissa Erin Jackson:

Pawsitively Poisonous

Pawsitively Secretive

Pawsitively Swindled

Pawsitively Betrayed

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