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October 2023 Book releases


Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! Are you looking for some October 2023 book releases?

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October 2023 book releases

October 2023 book releases is a new series that I’m actually starting this month. I’ve noticed that I’m a little out of the loop when it comes to new books and what’s coming out. Since I’m a book blogger and I have an audience who obviously loves to read, I feel like I’m doing a disservice to both of us.

I’m sure neither one of us needs more books (yes we do) but it’s always great to figure out what new books you can try reading next.

Hopefully, you find something that you’ll enjoy reading on this list!

My Darling Girl

October 2023 book releases

Alison has never been a fan of Christmas. It’s right around the corner and her husband has started decorating their home. So, she has no choice but to face it.

When she gets a phone call she finds out that her mother has cancer and doesn’t have very long to live. Her mom wants to spend what days she has left with her family, but Alison isn’t exactly happy about it. She’s estranged from her mom because when she was growing up she was an alcoholic and abusive.

When her mom shows up at her home weird things start to happen that are otherworldly. Alison begins to wonder if her mom isn’t who she seems and it turns their Christmas festivities into a nightmare.

I’m actually really glad that I saw this one! I’m not really sure if it would have caught my attention if I had seen it randomly in a bookstore. The cover isn’t really something that stands out to me but after reading the synopsis I know I will eventually have to get my hands on this one! This definitely seems like an October 2023 book release that needs the hype.

Amazon | Bookshop

The Haunting on the Hill

Holly is close to her big break when she gets a grant for her playwright. Now all she needs is time to bring it to life. When she’s on a weekend getaway she falls in love with Hill House. Yes, it may be crumbling down a little but she finds it beautiful.

Holly’s girlfriend agrees to join her in renting the house out for a while, but when a group of actors show up at the house things start to happen around them. It seems like something has been waiting for someone to show up at the house.

I’ll admit it… I haven’t read A Haunting on Hill House by Shirley Jackson which is what this book is kind of based off of. I’m just not a huge fan of classics. I know I know how dare I be a reader and not like the classics. This is something I blame on school a little bit. I do have to admit that I’m pretty excited to read this one though!

Amazon | Bookshelf

All These Sunken Souls

October 2023 book releases

All These Sunken Souls is an anthology book with a multitude of black authors. There are a multitude of stories from haunted houses all the way to zombie apocalypses.

So, there’s not a whole lot of information about this one. Because of that, I’m not fully sure if I’m excited about reading this one or not. I do have to say that I’m very happy that more POC’s are actually writing horror. Growing up I don’t think there were many if any at all!

If you’re looking for more POC books then you can find that here.

Amazon | Bookshop

When Ghosts Call Us Home

Sophia starred in her older sister’s horror movie back when she was twelve. Her sister would capture her very real reaction to things she had planned in their old home.

After the movie was released it captures a whole fanbase where they speculate how the film had hidden messages and how her sister made a deal with the devil. Sophia never believed the rumors until her sister disappeared.

Now Sophia has to figure out the clues that her sister has left behind and that takes her right back to the place that left her with so much trauma.

This is definitely one that I look forward to reading! That’s saying a lot because if I were to see this one in a bookstore then I would more than likely not even look at this one twice. I’m a very visual person and the cover is what always catches my attention. This is one that wouldn’t catch my attention at all.

When Ghosts Call Us Home is definitely one that I’ll be adding to my TBR after the October 2023 book releases.

Amazon | Bookshop

The Dead Take a Train

Julie is a burnt-out thirty-something who has a lot of magic in her small body. She’s trying to get herself known in the NYC magic scene, which means she’ll do the gigs that most people don’t want to do. She wants a career boost to break away from what she’s been doing, but she winds up attracting the attention of a god. This god wants revenge, so she and the rest of the world are at risk of being killed.

This is one that I’m not fully sure if I’m excited about or not. I love the cover but this one seems more or less like a fantasy novel and fantasy is hit or miss for me. So, we’ll see if this one gets added to my TBR or not.

Amazon | Bookshop

The Intern

Madison gets the internship of a lifetime working for Judge Kathryn. Unfortunately, Madison has a secret. Her younger brother Danny has been arrested and Judge Kathryn is the judge on his case.

When her brother goes missing after saying the judge is corrupt, Madison is brought deep down into questions that lead her into the judge’s glamorous world. What exactly are the judge’s intentions?

This is another I’m not fully sure if I’m going to add to my TBR or not. Don’t get me wrong I love thrillers and this one does sound interesting, but I have never really been a fan of crime thrillers. Anything that deals with judges, police, or detectives has never been my thing. I’m not even sure why, but we’ll see if I wind up trying it out or not.


What October 2023 book releases are you looking forward to? There seems to be a really good list coming out and I know I can’t wait to read some of them.

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