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Never Have I ever by Joshilyn Jackson [book review]


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Never Have I Ever

Book: Never Have I ever

Author: Joshilyn Jackson

Published: July 30, 2019

Publisher: William Morrow

Pages: 352

Genre: Thriller

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

Hey everyone! Welcome to Owl Book World. If you’ve been following my blog for a while then you probably know by now that I really enjoy thriller and horror books. I can’t help it because those are what always grabs my attention. Today I’m writing a review for Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson.

I hope you enjoy the review! If you do make sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date on books you might really enjoy!

Never Have I Ever book summary:

Never Have I ever follows Amy Whey. She has the best husband, the best friend, a great child, and an awesome relationship with her stepdaughter. She loves her life even though there are times it may get a bit boring. But who needs spice in their life? Things start to change when someone new basically takes over her friend’s book club. Seems like it wouldn’t be that big of a deal until this woman threatens her and implies that she knows what she did in her past. She’ll go away as long as Amy gives her money. Will Amy cave? Or will she find a way out of this situation?

Never Have I Ever
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought of Never Have I Ever:

Never Have I Ever is the type of book that makes you wonder what will happen when your past comes back to bite you. That is if you have a past that’s worth worrying about and that you’ve kept secret from those you love. Would those people still love you if they knew your secret?

The Characters

I actually have mixed feelings about Amy. On one hand I kind of like how strong she is and how determined she is to make sure that her new neighbor doesn’t get what she wants. But on the other hand, I hate how cowardly she is. She is cowardly about her past and confronting it and she’s cowardly about her present and telling those around her what happened. However, she does have a good heart. Even though she doesn’t want to tell them she will still go to the ends of the earth to help those around her. Even though she did something horrible when she was younger, she has also learned from it and is trying to do better.

The Plot

So, I also have a love-hate relationship with the plot too. There are times when it’s super fast and keeps your attention. During those times I did not want to put the book down. But there are other times the book is super slow and I kept having to put the book down. That’s part of the reason it took me so long to actually finish the book. On top of that, I kind of hated how the book ended. That’s kind of because I hate why the woman who was blackmailing Amy was constantly on the run. It’s disgusting and made me want to punch her in the face. After we find out about that I’m actually very happy about what happened next.

Even though there are a few things I would have changed about the book I do give it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

What do you guys think about thrillers where the main character is getting blackmailed? 

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to go and check out my review for Her Dark Lies by J. T. Ellison.

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2 responses to “Never Have I ever by Joshilyn Jackson [book review]”

  1. I haven’t heard of this one but definitely intrigued by your review. Sounds like the book works if you don’t have too high expectations judging on your mixed feelings on some of it? Great review!

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