Books Horror

Bad People by Craig Wallwork [book review]

Bad People

Book: Bad People

Author: Craig Wallwork

Published: January 10, 2020

Publisher: Underbelly Books

Genre: Horror

Pages: 265

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Bad People book summary:

Bad People takes place in a small village in Yorkshire where three children have gone missing over the years. This is something you would kind of expect in a bigger place but not in an area where everyone knows everyone. It doesn’t help that the children have never been found. When writer, Alex Palmer, shows up in the small town he is hoping to help the police find those children. It helps if doing this research will help get him out of his writer’s block. But the deeper Alex dwells into this story the more he digs himself into trouble he might not be able to get himself out of.

Bad People
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought:

If you like these sorts of books then you may also like Children of Chicago. They are similar in some ways and different in others.

Bad People is a horror novel that deals with a special needs adult who thinks he’s seeing a ghost. Two cops are trying to solve the mystery of missing children and a true-crime writer that the citizens of this town don’t really want there. There’s a cult involved in the story and you’ll never believe what they are doing.

I always love horror books. And I especially love when those books have endings that kind of leave you speechless. This is one of those that actually left me kind of speechless and makes me wonder what is going to happen next. The only thing that I wish was a little different in that the main focus was only on Alex Palmer but I do understand why the author did what he did!

When I first started Bad People it kind of reminded me of Sinister which just so happens to be one of my favorite horror movies. I guess what made me think of it is the fact that Alex writes true crime novels. Plus, it has this real uneasiness about it that made me uncomfortable but I also wanted to know more. Is there really a ghost? And who is kidnapping these children?

This book is definitely worth reading if you like horror books that leave questioning everything. It makes you think and makes you want to reread the book over again so you can find the signs of where the book will lead you.

If you enjoy this review then make sure to check out my review for Labyrinth of the Dolls.

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3 thoughts on “Bad People by Craig Wallwork [book review]

  1. […] Bad People is a thriller/horror book by Craig Wallwork. It is about a man named Alex who use to be police office but is now a true crime writer. He heads to Stormer Hill to get a little bit of inspiration there after three kids disappear in a three year time frame. Alex finds out that he’s really not wanted there and when he figures out he’s probably not going to get any information he packs up and is going to leave. But something happens before he’s able to leave. Will the local law enforcement be able to figure out what’s happening and who is kidnapping all of these people? […]

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