Books Horror YA

In Nightfall by Suzanne Young [book review]

In Nightfall

Book: In Nightfall

By: Suzanne Young

Published: March 28, 2023

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Pages: 384

Genre: YA Horror

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About In Nightfall

In Nightfall follows Theo as her family travels to Nightfall, Oregon. Neither she nor her brother Marco want to go but their dad is making them. After his divorce, he needs a new senary for a couple of months and Theo and Marco lost his trust when they threw a party. Now they have to come and they don’t want to be there.

When they get there the town is dreary. It rains in Nightfall all of the time leaving a dreary cloud over the whole place. Do they want to be in a place that always rains? It’s not until they start meeting some of the locals they start having some fun. But after spending so much time with them they start to realize how off some of the locals are.

What I thought

I randomly picked up In Nightfall when I was in a bookstore because of the cover alone. I’m so glad that I did. Reading through the whole story I didn’t fully know what to expect. To me, that’s a good thing though.

This is the first time I’m hearing about Suzanne Young. I’m so glad that I did. I loved In Nightfall. The story from the very beginning gave me Lost Boys vibes. It was a great way to read a book that’s similar to a movie I enjoy. To me, it’s hard to put a new twist on a book that has been done a lot before. Even though this has a lot of similarities to pretty much every other vampire book it still has its twists and turns.

In Nightfall

Suzanne does a great job with the scenery. There’s so much creepiness surrounding the area. The book alone makes me want to visit this area if it’s real. I’m sure a lot of places in Oregon have this type of feel to it. I just don’t know how I would feel about staying somewhere it rains almost every day. Don’t get me wrong I love a good rainy day but not every single day. That’s just me though.

The characters in the story are very well done. I have to admit that I’m a little jealous of Theo’s and Marco’s relationship. I have four older brothers and I’m not close to a single one of them. It would have been nice to have a close relationship with any of my brothers. But it didn’t work out that way. I love that Theo is willing to do anything for her brother. I think my only issue with the story is their grandma.

The fact that their grandma was close to their dad but never bothered to go visit. A part of me gets why but I couldn’t imagine never meeting my grandchildren. And I guess I don’t understand all of the secrecy especially after things progressed.

Overall this has been one of my favorite reads so far in 2023!

If you enjoyed this review then may also like my discussion post on YA Horror novels and my post on YA vampire books!

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