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He’ll Be Waiting by Liz Alterman [book review]


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He'll be Waiting

Book: He’ll Be Waiting

Author: Liz Alterman

Published: April 6, 2021

Publisher: Willow River Press

Genre: YA Thriller

Pages: 366

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

He’ll Be Waiting book summary

He’ll Be Waiting follows Tess Porter. When she goes to pick up her boyfriend’s college friend at the airport on a stormy wintery night, she doesn’t realize that she’s embarking on a dangerous journey. Two days later she wakes up in the hospital not being able to remember anything or how she got there. On top of that, her parents are acting weird and neither her boyfriend nor best friend has come to visit. As she struggles to remember what happened she starts to question everything.

He'll Be Waiting
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought of He’ll Be Waiting

So, I actually read this book through Xpresso book tours and I’m so glad I signed up for it! The story is a pretty fast-paced young adult novel where the main character doesn’t remember what happened to her. Parts of the story are pretty sad (to me) while others kept me wanting to read more.

The Characters

As I said earlier we get the point of view of Tess and that’s it. But we do get an idea of what her family and friends are like. I do have to say I’m not really a fan of her family. Her dad is okay but I’m really not a fan of her mother. I get why Tess cuts her off and wants nothing to do with her. She’s not the worst mother that’s out there but she could have been a whole lot better!

Tess I actually liked and I felt so bad for her throughout the book. What she went through was pretty devastating and I probably would have broken down more than she did. I am glad that towards the end of the book she realizes that she needs help and she goes and gets it.

The only other character that aggravated me a little is Tess’s boyfriend’s mother. I get she needed to heal but she made me so mad. Tess loved her and her family, so I really think she should have treated Tess a little better.

The Plot

This is the first book I’ve read by Liz Alterman and I’m so glad that I did. Despite getting aggravated with the characters the story is very well written. I couldn’t help but to fall for Tess and actually care about her. The story was able to quickly grab my attention and kept my interest. Through most of story I kept wondering who would want to do this Tess because she seems like a really nice person. Who would be so against her?

The pacing is done perfectly and you’re finding out key information as the story progresses. I just wish the story didn’t make me so sad.

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