We Could be Heroes by Mike Chen

We Could Be Heroes

Book: We Could be Heroes

Author: Mike  Chen

Published: January 26, 2021

Publisher: Mira books

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Pages: 384

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About We Could be Heroes:

We could be heroes follows Jamie and Zoe. Two years ago they woke up in an apartment not being able to remember anything at all from their past. Jamie just moves on even though he hates that he forgot, but it’s time to move on and not worry about the past. Zoe can’t let it go. It’s something that bothers her each and every day. She wants to remember who she was but in the meantime, she’s going to work on saving people. Both Jamie and Zoe have powers. Jamie is called the mind robber because he can make you forget who he is after he just robbed you. Zoe is strong and is able to do multiple other things that are able to help her save people. When Jamie and Zoe come in contact with each other will they be able to help each other out? Or will Zoe beat him up and put him in jail because he’s stealing from banks?

We Could be Heroes

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about We Could Be Heroes

So, I think I’m in a phase in life where I absolutely love anything that deals with heroes that are super powerful. Which is kind of saying a lot because there have been tons and tons of movies with superheroes in them. I do think it helps when you’re reading a book where the heroes actually seem more human despite their abilities. They have real human issues and real human problems. The people that are technically after them aren’t some aliens up in space who want to wipe everyone out. Even though those movies are awesome books like this are somewhat relatable.


I know someone has posted a review and said the exact opposite of me when it has come to the characters. Maybe I’m just weird or maybe it’s just because I relate to people differently. I actually didn’t really care for Jamie all that much. He has a pretty awesome ability but on a deeper level, I just didn’t seem to like him very well. I can’t exactly seem to pinpoint why either. He was just a character that I didn’t seem to like from the very beginning of the book.

However, I really did like Zoe. She’s strong in more ways than just physically strong. Despite being a drunk I kind of feel like she’s really able to push herself through a lot. She’s just not exactly able to cope with things. I feel like if I woke up in an apartment with no memories then I would feel the same way as she does. I would move on with my life but it would still grate at me on who I was before I lost my memories. Am I still me? Have I changed in any way since my memory has been wiped? Where is my family? These are the things that would probably grate at me on a daily basis.

The Plot

The Plot of the story is the only thing that really bothered me. Don’t get me wrong.. the book is good, but there are times when it slows down and I kind of lose interest. I honestly hate that I lost interest in some parts of the book.

Other than losing interest in some parts of the story I found the book really well written. The story is a lot of fun and you find yourself really rooting for the characters. At least I know I was rooting for them. I’m really excited to read more books by Mike Chen!

How do you guys feel about books that deal with superheroes?

If you like this review then make sure to check out my latest post on Kindle Unlimited.

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