Book: You Will Remember Me
Author: Hannah Mary McKinnon
Published: May 25, 2021
Publisher: MIEA books
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 352
You Will Remember Me book summary
You Will Remember Me follows three points of view. One from a man who woke up on the beach and doesn’t remember anything. He doesn’t remember his name, what he was doing, or anything else. The other point of view is from Lily Reid whose boyfriend just disappeared. She thinks she knows everything about him but soon realizes that she didn’t even know his real name. The next point of view follows Maya Scott who is trying to find her stepbrother. He disappeared two years ago after their relationship was strained. Is there a connection between the three of them?

What I thought of You Will Remember Me:
I actually picked up You Will Remember Me through a blog tour and boy was I excited! This is a thriller I couldn’t wait to get my hands on because the summary sounds really good. On top of that, I was kind of curious how all three characters connected. Why exactly did this guy just stop remembering his life but remembered some basic things? Plus, I’m always attracted to a really awesome cover and this book has it!
The Characters
Hannah Mary McKinnon does an amazing job with the characters. All three of them have suspicious pasts. You’re given bits and pieces of information at a time. Because of that you slowly start to learn about each and every one of them. Since we’re given small bits of info at a time it also really grabs your attention and makes you want to know more.
Maya Scott is a very creepy woman. There are times I wanted to punch her in the face because of her obsession and partly because of how weird she is. It’s not that often that I feel so strongly about a character.
Lily is the main character that I liked in this story. She’s a strong woman and I just found myself enjoying her point of view. I’m not really sure what I would have done if I was in her situation. Losing someone I cared about and realize that they don’t even remember me would be completely crazy.
The Plot
The plot of You Will Remember Me is very well done. As I stated before you’re given enough information to keep guessing until the end of the story. That’s what I love about this novel and I’m so glad I took part in the blog tour for it. The ending will probably blow your mind, at least it somewhat did mine. I wasn’t exactly expecting the ending but I loved it!
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