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The House on Abigail Lane by Kealan Patrick Burke


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The House on Abigail Lane

Book: The House on Abigail Lane

Author: Kealan Patrick Burke

Published: June 17, 2020

Publisher: Elderlemon Press

Pages: 68

Genre: Horror

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

The House on Abigail Lane book summary

The House on Abigail Lane is a horror novella by Kealan Patrick Burke. This book is about a house that was built in 1956. Ever since the time it was built there have been people who would walk upstairs only to never be seen again. The only thing that lets others know that they were there is a wedding ring or a phone that didn’t follow them as they disappeared. Why are all these people disappearing? And where exactly are they going?

The House on Abigail Lane
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought of The House on Abigail Lane:

So, I saw this book on Instagram, but I can’t remember who posted it. Seeing the cover made me want to instantly buy it. It’s creepy looking and the synopsis topped it off. I do have to say that I love haunted house-type stories!


So The House on Abigail Lane kind of threw me off because there is no main character. In fact, how this whole book is written kind of threw me off. The story is more or less written like an informative book or like an article. That’s actually something I really didn’t care for. I always like first-person POVS or even second person. With those you get an idea of who the characters are and what they are all about. Unfortunately, in this story, you get multiple characters and don’t really even get to know them. The only thing you find out is that they went into this house and they disappear and you never hear about them again.

The Plot

Like I said the synopsis caught my attention and I pretty much figured this would basically be your creepy haunted house type of story. Instead, this book kind of reads like an informative book and gives you straight-up facts. Because of that, this book wasn’t really all that creepy to me as I originally thought it would have been. In fact, there were times I got a little bored with the storyline. There are some creepy factors to the story but because of how the book was written I just couldn’t get into it.

I’m rating the story 3 out of 5 stars because the story really is good. It just wasn’t for me.

Have you read The House on Abigale Lane yet? I think I’m still going to try and give his book Hard Candy a try and see if I like that book any better.

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for Children of Chicago.

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