Books Thriller

When the Stars Go Dark by Paula Mclain [book review]

When the Stars go Dark

Book: When the stars go Dark

Author: Paula Mclain

Published: April 13, 2021

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Pages: 370

Genre: Thriller

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When the Stars Go Dark book summary

When the stars Go Dark follows Anna Hart. After something bad happens in her personal life she runs from her home to northern California. The village is the place she grew up and seems to be the only place she can grieve. When she gets there she learns about a local missing girl. When an old friend, who just so happens to be working on the case, allows her to help she puts her all into the case. Will she be able to find the girl along with redeeming herself?

What I thought

When the Stars Go Dark is another book I got an advanced copy of. The blurb sounded really good and I love the cover for it. I’m a sucker for a good thriller and I was pretty excited to get the chance to read it. But… When the Stars Go Dark was kind of a disappointment to me. In 2021 I slowly realized that I do not like crime thrillers. Yes, all thrillers have crime. It wouldn’t be a thriller if there wasn’t some sort of crime. It wouldn’t be a thriller if there wasn’t some sort of crime. But I have realized that I don’t really like books that follow someone in law. Why? The ones that I have read are so boring to me. I’m not really sure why.

I think I get more out of the books if I’m not reading from the law enforcement end. If we got the perspective of “the bad guy” or a family member then I would have finished a lot sooner. There’s just something about reading from the perspective of a family member that’s worried or the bad guy that’s trying to get away. I’ve never really cared from the law’s perspective.

On another note, I had a hard time with the plot as well. For one the pacing of the story wasn’t that great. That’s for me though. I can see a lot of people enjoying the story even though it just so happened to not be for me. If you like crime thrillers then make sure to check the book out. Who knows you may like it more than me.

Paula Mclain books: Circling the sun

Love and Ruin

When the Stars go Dark

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