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Is Kindle Unlimited worth it?


Is Kindle Unlimited worth it?


Hi everyone! I’m sure if you are here you are wondering is kindle unlimited worth it? I’m here to help you decide if this is something that you are really wanting to look into or if it’s something that you want to pass up on. I do want to state that I do have Kindle Unlimited and I really enjoy it. You get to discover a lot of books that you wouldn’t otherwise find. So, I hope this post helps explain exactly what it is and if it’s really worth it in your household.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. What this means is that if you purchase something through the link I have provided for you then I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please consider supporting my blog.

What is Kindle Unlimited?

Kindle Unlimited is actually a service that’s provided by Amazon. You have access to millions of books all at your finger tips. This is a product that’s constantly being updated, so on a daily basis books are either being taken off or added on. Basically Kindle Unlimited is a lending library where you have access to tons of books. You’re able to read at your own pace and even have access to audiobooks and magazines.

This is actually a pretty awesome service and can help a lot of readers who don’t have access to a library. I hate to say that there are a lot of people out there who don’t. So, Kindle Unlimited is a great way for readers to actually have a chance to read when there’s really no other way. Since it’s updated on a daily basis you really won’t get bored with it!


How does it work?

The First step is that you have to sign up for it to gain access to the book. After reading this post and you decide that you want to sign up for it then you can find it here. In order to find the books after signing up for it you need to go to the navigation menu, click see all departments, then click on kindle and that’s where you will find kindle unlimited. You’ll have access to ten books at a time. The books you borrow have no due date, so you can take as long as you want to actually finish a book.

Where can you read the books?

This is one thing that actually makes kindle unlimited worth it. You don’t have to pay tons of money and buy a kindle in order to have access to the books. All you need is the kindle app on whatever smart device you want to read on. If you want to use multiple devices then that will work too.

The kindle app makes getting kindle books completely worth it! If you start a book on one device then you are able to pick up where you left off on another app. You don’t have to use a specific device just to keep reading your book. This helps out a lot because if you forget the device you normally read it on then you can continue reading on your phone or another device you may have with you.

What’s the price? And is Kindle Unlimited free for Prime members?

Kindle unlimited is $9.99/month and unfortunately doesn’t have anything to do with Prime Reading. It is it’s own separate service and is pretty easy to use. If you have access to prime you can read some books from prime reading, but a lot of those books are actually kindle unlimited books and you won’t get access to all of them. If you’re really set on trying this service then at the moment you can actually get one month free here. Every once in a while they will have a deal going on where you can get it free for two and sometimes threes months! I’ll keep that updated on this post!

Pros and cons of Kindle Unlimited


  • unlimited access to books
  • no return dates
  • get to read multiple genres
  • discover new authors
  • you get to help indie authors


  • Doesn’t have many well known authors. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t any well known authors but it is slim.
  • Doesn’t include new books unless it’s from a lesser known author.
  • Sometimes it includes the first book in a series but not the rest of the series.

So is Kindle Unlimited really worth it?

Obviously this is ultimately your decision but I do think it’s worth it. There are so many books that are on kindle unlimited that you wouldn’t typically find. I did say that there are a lot of indie authors on there but indie books are actually some of the best books out there. The books aren’t your typical recycled plots either and I bet you could find some of the best books on there!

If you end up getting KU (Kindle Unlimited) then let me know what you think about it in the comments! Make sure to check out my post Is Bookstagram Neccessary? This will give you an idea of what bookstagram is and if you want to be apart of it?

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13 thoughts on “Is Kindle Unlimited worth it?

  1. Mehsi

    Great article! Loved the pro/cons and that you also told what you found of it. I so so wish we could have Kindle Unlimited where I live, but sadly nothing yet. Hopefully one day, it would be a dream if it happened!

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      I honestly didn’t realize it wasn’t everywhere! I figured as long as you’re able to use the kindle app then you be able to get it anywhere. I’m sorry you’re not able to get it there.

  2. EmmabBooks

    Thank you for this interesting article, which answers many questions I had about Kindle Unlimited.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Thank you!

  3. Lindsey

    I keep thinking about this and never being sure if it is worth it or not, so this was a great read. I think it will be a case of when I’ve cleared some of the backlog of the books that I already own waiting for me to read, that’s when it will be worth it. At the moment I don’t think I’ll read enough of them to pay out, but I can see me dipping in and out a little. Great post – thank you!

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      Despite that there aren’t many popular authors on there I still really enjoy it. I’ve discovered a lot of new authors because of it!

  4. Flora

    Hi Kaili, another well-written post.
    I’ve had a KU membership for over a year now and love being able to access the extensive library. As an avid reader of self-published authors, I’ve found some great new-to-me authors. Hailey Edwards has her whole series, The Beginners’ Guide To Necromancy, in Kindle Unlimited!
    Did you know that when you have an eBook in your library you get the chance to buy the audiobook at a reduced price? I’ve borrowed many KU tiltles and bought the audiobook too.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      I actually didn’t know about getting the audiobooks for half price! That’s awesome though!

  5. DJ Sakata

    I have often debated this

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      It seems like a lot of people can’t decide if it’s something they want or not!

  6. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    Excellent post. At the moment, I don’t think it’s worth it for me. But I can see myself enjoying it in the future. It would be cool to try it out and only read Kindle Unlimited books for a year or something.

    1. Entertainingly Nerdy

      If you ever do try that I hope you enjoy it!

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