Books Horror Thriller YA

Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine [book review]

Two Sides to Every Murder

Book: Two Sides to Every Murder

By: Danielle Valentine

Published: June 25, 2024

Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers

Genre: YA Thriller/Horror

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About Two Sides to Every Murder

Olivia’s birth will always be immortalized. But that was because she was born during the famous Camp Lost Lake murders. Now seventeen years later, Olivia’s life is perfect. That is until she finds out that the man she calls dad isn’t actually her biological father. She wants answers now and the only place she can think of to find them is Camp Lost Lake.

Your normal person doesn’t spend most of their time on the run with an alleged murderer. But Reagan has spent most of her youth doing just that. In everyone’s opinion, her mom was seen as the one responsible for the deaths at Camp Lost Lake. They have been hiding ever since. Reagan knows that her mom is innocent and she is determined to clear her name.

The two of them are lucky because the camp is finally reopening and it’s giving them the chance to find answers. Now that they are there, someone is dead set on keeping things a secret, and that means they are willing to commit murder to keep it that way.

What I thought

I’m thrilled to have been approved for an advanced copy of Two Sides to Every Murder. The main reason I picked this up is because of the cover. I’m very much a reader who judges a book by its cover. Reason two is because I’ve read one of Danielle Valentine’s other books and I LOVED it. That was How to Survive Your Murder and it just so happened to be one of my favorite books. I couldn’t pass up reading Two Sides to Every Murder.

Danielle has quickly become one of my favorite authors because she does an excellent job with the flow of the book. They are fast and know when exactly to slow down a bit and grip you even more. I kinda preferred How to Survive Your Murder because it really blew me away.

I do think I liked Reagan’s perspective just slightly more than Olivia’s only because her back story was a little more interesting. Her personality is a little more relatable for me. I think because of her background she is a little more on the introverted side. So in that aspect, I was able to connect with her more.

When the book reached the plot twist, I was completely taken by surprise. I had a feeling the twist was coming though. I just wasn’t so sure where the twist was going. If you decide to read Two Sides to Every Murder then I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

Now would I recommend this book? Yes! Yes, I definitely would. Just a little forewarning that this is a YA novel. You might want to skip this one if that audience isn’t your thing.

If you’re into YA thrillers that really keep you on your toes, you should definitely add Two Sides to Every Murder to your TBR list. Trust me!

If you want to check out more YA thrillers then you can find that list here.

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