Books Thriller YA

This is Why We Lie by Gabriella Lepore [book review]

This is why we lie

Book: This is Why We Lie

Author: Gabriella Lepore

Published: September 21, 2021

Publisher: Inkyard Press

Genre: YA Thriller

Pages: 320

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This is Why we Lie Book Summary:

Everyone in Gardiners Bay has a secret. Jenna and Adam find Colleen O’Delll’s body floating in the water and it shakes the whole town up. It doesn’t help that the police soon realize it wasn’t an accident. When Jenna’s best friend becomes a key suspect she takes matters into her own hands.

This is why we lie

What I thought:

I’m so happy that I got the chance to read and review This is Why We Lie. I picked up the book because one I really enjoy thrillers and two I really like the cover. I tend to read a lot of YA Thrillers especially lately. Who done it books always grab my attention. But is This Why We Lie actually worth reading?

I can’t help but like both Jenna and Adam. Both of them really stand off the page for me. Their emotions and personality both jump off the page. I can feel where both of them are coming from and I found myself rooting for both of them. It’s not very often that a book really grabs me with the characters. At least that hasn’t happened in a while.

Now when it comes to the plot I’m a little mixed. The story is fast-paced in some areas. But there are other parts of the story that really lost my attention. I get that books can’t be fast-paced all of the time but I do feel like there could have been areas that could have been cut out.

Other than that I had really enjoyed the novel and it had been a solid four-star for me. There are aspects of the story that really threw me off. I did not expect the bad guy to be who the bad guy was. I love it and I can’t wait to read more by Gabriella Lepore.

How do you feel about thrillers that throw you off?

If you enjoy books like this then make sure to check out my post on YA thrillers.

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