Books Fantasy

The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz [book review]

The Reincarnationist Papers

Book: The Reincarnationist Papers

Author: D. Eric Haikranz

Published: May 4, 2021

Publisher: Blackstone Publishing

Pages: 432

Genre: Fantasy

Goodreads | Amazon

About The Reincarnationist papers:

The Reincarnationist Papers is about a secret society that can recall all of its past lives. It follows Evan Michaels who knows that he’s different. He’s the only one out there that can remember his past lives. It’s something he has stopped telling anyone because his family thought he was crazy. But he knows that he’s not. He remembers those lives almost as clearly as what he ate for breakfast. When Evan gets hurt and someone drags him out of the alleyway and saves his life he soon realizes that he’s not alone and there are more people out there like him. But will he be accepted by them?

The Reincarnationist Papers
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What I thought about The Reincarnationist Papers:

I picked up the Reincarnationist Papers because the idea of it sounds really good. On top of that, there’s a movie of it coming out and it’s starring Mark Walburg. So, of course, I had to try and read the book before the movie came out. But to say the least, I was a bit disappointed with this book.

About halfway through the book, I ended up not finishing it. The idea of reincarnation has always fascinated me but this story didn’t exactly feed into that. I’m sure there are a lot of readers who will probably enjoy this story, but I found it slow. Maybe the book picks up after halfway through the book but the first half is slow and not very interesting in the least.

The story has a very slow build to let readers know about the whole situation of Evan, his past, and the woman that saves him. When I say slow I mean slow. There’s more talking than anything really interesting happening. I’m kind of sad that the book ended up not being for because it was a really cool concept. Hopefully, I enjoy the movie more than I did the book.

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