Books Thriller

The Photographer by Dixie Carter [book review]

The Photogropher

Book: The Photographer

Author: Mary Dixie Carter

Published: May 25, 2021

Publisher: Minotaur

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 288

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Photographer:

The Photographer follows Delta Dawn. She takes pictures of the elite, a lot of them being children’s birthday parties. She’s good at what she does which is why she’s always being hired. When she’s hired for Natalie’s birthday she can’t help but wish she lived in their home. On top of that, she wishes she was a part of their lives. When she’s able to start babysitting Natalie she finds out there are ways to manipulate the family even more so she’s guaranteed to be part of the family.

The Photographer
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought about The Photographer:

So I have been wanting to read The Photographer for a while now. Yes, I did pick the book up because of the cover, but the synopsis caught my attention too. I kind of love the idea of someone who is a bit crazy getting to be a part of your life. Since Delta is a photographer she has to be observant. This makes her good at what she does. It makes her good a figuring out how to make her way in. She figures out their flaws and what exactly will make them say yes.

The Characters

The Photographer obviously follows Delta. We figure out what she wants and how she gets it. We find out her reasoning for wanting what she wants and what lengths she’ll go through to get there. Because of this I kind of find it hard to like her. I get that’s kind of the point. She’s not meant to be liked, loved, or rooted for. I do kind of wish she had some redeeming qualities though. Throughout the whole story, I found myself not liking her at all. She’s weird and not so much in the I can root for her way. She’s the type of weird that kind of pushes people away. How this family didn’t know she was a little off baffle me. I am kind of curious if they ever did a background check on her.

The Plot

I think thrillers have been a little off for me lately. It seems like a lot of the ones I have been reading have been too slow for me. Either that or the ending doesn’t have some sort of shock factor like I was kind of expecting. Most of the ones I have been reading have a somewhat good plot line then the ending isn’t up to par. At least it isn’t to me.

This is one of those stories that I found bits and pieces really good, but it slows down and has a bad ending. It’s one thing to have someone live in your home to babysit. People have a lot of “hidden” compartments that make you wonder if you can trust anyone. What lengths would someone go through to be a part of your family? Why exactly do they want to be a part of your family in the first place? I do kind of understand that there’s a jealousy factor that plays into it.

What lengths would you go through to be a part of someone’s family?

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for The Final Chapter.

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2 thoughts on “The Photographer by Dixie Carter [book review]

  1. Melanie’s reads

    Try Kiersten Modglin, her thrillers are amazing x

    1. Kaili

      Thank you! I’ll definitely check her out!

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