Books Thriller

The Perfect Family by Robyn Harding [book review]

The Perfect Family

Book: The Perfect Family

Author: Robyn Harding

Published: August 10, 2021

Publisher: Gallery Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 352

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The Perfect Family book summary

The Perfect Family has four points of view. Thomas, Viv, and their two kids. They are the perfect family and the envy of some of their neighbors. Their kids are good kids and rarely get in trouble. Thomas and Viv have jobs that they are both good at. When kids start to egg their house they start to question everything and they soon realize that everyone in their family is hiding a secret. But are any of their secrets so detrimental to cause someone to vandalize their house? Can the Adler family figure out who is trying to scare them?

The Perfect Family
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Perfect Family

I want to thank Gallery Books and Robyn Harding for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of The Perfect Family. I picked up this novel because I absolutely love thrillers. Not much of a fan of political or crime thrillers but thrillers like The Perfect Family. I’ve always enjoyed a good storyline where the main character(s) are getting messed with and they’re having to figure who exactly is messing with them. On top of that, they’re having to figure out why these people would be messing with them. No one is perfect and just about everyone has some sort of secret that they are ashamed of. The family in The Perfect Family is no exception.

Is it wrong of me to be a little excited to see them unravel? I don’t know what it is about seeing a family that seems to have it all fall down at least a little bit. Not that I want anything to happen to people like this but it pops a little bit of their ego and makes them realize they aren’t that perfect.

The Characters

The Perfect family follows Viv, Thomas, Eli, and Tarryn as their house is getting violated and ultimately scaring them all. The police won’t help because they don’t have any evidence. So, Thomas takes matters into his own hands and ultimately makes matters worse.

I ended up really enjoying all of the characters in The Perfect Family. A lot of authors seem to make characters very similar. It’s either that or there’s not really much to the secondary characters even though they have a big part in the story. Robyn does a great job with all four characters and making them have their own voice along with making them stand out from each other. They each have their own characteristics and faults that set them apart.

One thing I loved about this story is the fact that Tarryn has two best friends that actually care enough about her to try and get her to stop doing something that’s not really the smartest thing to do. They may not have done things the best way but I am glad they tried to get her to stop.

The Plot

For me, the plot of The Perfect Family is pretty fast-paced. It seems like at every turn there is something happening or about to happen. I’m not sure how I would feel if I was in a situation like this.

The only thing that seems implausible to me is that the police won’t stake out at their home and catch the people who are doing this. The police won’t help is a troupe that I’m getting tired of. I get that it really depends on what city the police are in and what’s going on. I also understand that some police officers just really don’t want to help. It seems like there are more thrillers where the police don’t want to help than there are ones where the police are actually helpful. It kind of makes me sad that there are people who think all officers out there are like this and it makes me mad that there are some officers like this.

Other than that the story is pretty fast-paced. With how things ended though I am wondering if there’s going to be another book or if we’re going to get left on a cliffhanger.

How do you guys feel about books that leave you on a cliffhanger?

If you enjoyed this review then you might also like We Were Never Here. This is another nail-biting thriller that will keep you on your toes.

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