Books Contemporary YA

The Mall by Megan McCafferty [book review]

The Mall

Book: The Mall

Author: Megan McCafferty

Published: July 28, 2020

Publisher: Wednesday Books

Genre: Young Adult contemporary

Pages: 320

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The Mall Book Summary:

The Mall is a young adult coming of age book that takes place in a New Jersey mall. It takes you all the way back to 1991 when malls were still the hit thing and where all kids wanted to be. The story follows Cassie Worthy who is really excited to be working at the mall in order to save up money before college. She’s even more excited to head off to college with her boyfriend. But as she really works out on setting up her plans for the summer all the way to college she realizes that sometimes the best plans don’t always work out.

The Mall
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Mall:

This book takes you back to the nineties and brings back so much nostalgia for me. The Mall is a contemporary coming-of-age novel about a girl who thinks she has it all together. But when her boyfriend breaks up with her things start to change. She learns to loosen up and take life one step at a time with the help of her new best friend and love interest.

The Characters

While reading this there were characters I really liked and really hated. Cassie is one character that I actually really liked because she is well-rounded and kind of reminds me of me in a way. The guy that dumped her I really didn’t like. It’s not because he cheated, even though that’s part of the reason, but because he was controlling and critical. I can’t stand guys like that and I’m really glad that she found someone who is more down to earth.

The girl she becomes best friends with again is someone I kind of have a love-hate relationship with. I don’t really like how egotistical she is and how she’s all about her looks. The author really did write her well and I’ve just always had a problem with girls like that. I do like how the author made Cassie’s friend a really good friend by distracting her from her ex and just in general always being there for her. It’s just her personality that I didn’t exactly care much for.

The Plot

The other thing I actually enjoyed about The Mall is there being some sort of mystery in the plot where the girls basically go through a scavenger hunt through the mall. Cassie’s friend thinks there is a big treasure at the end of the hunt while Cassie thinks they are just wasting their time. But Cassie still helps despite how she feels.

The only thing that I didn’t really like about the book is there being some parts that are a bit boring. Parts of the book didn’t really have enough controversy to really keep you interested. As much as I hate to say it I did find myself getting bored and ended up putting the book down in a few parts. I blame getting a little bored in parts on this book not being my typical go-to genre. I did find it to be a really good read though!

Have any of you guys read this book yet? If you have what did you think?

If you enjoyed this book review then make sure to check out my review for Amelia Unabridged.

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2 thoughts on “The Mall by Megan McCafferty [book review]

  1. Miragail

    Reading about a critical and controlling partner is really annoying! I’m glad you still enjoyed this book though. Great review!

    1. admin

      It was a good read despite that!

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