Books Mystery Thriller YA

The Fear by Natasha Preston [book review]

The Fear

Book: The Fear

Author: Natasha Preston

Published: March 1, 2022

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Genre: YA Thriller

Pages: 368

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The Fear book summary

In the dead of winter in a small fishing town a stupid meme gets shared around by the local high schools. A lot of them are reposting and sharing their biggest fear with the meme. When some of Izzy’s classmates show up dead exactly the way they feared she realizes this isn’t a joke. When she sets out to try and find the killer she thinks she knows who it is. It doesn’t help that she keeps second guessing herself. Soon her path will lead her to the right killer and her own worst nightmare.

The Fear

What I thought

The Fear is the second book I have actually read by Natasha Preston. The first book was The Lake and I loved it so much I had to read this one too. Many of you already know that I’m a huge fan of thrillers. I don’t really care what age group the books are in. I have to admit that I really love the cover as well. It’s a very simple cover but still really stands out.

So, why exactly did I pick this book up? Well like I said I really loved The Lake and wanted to read more of her stuff. I know Natasha Preston is a pretty popular author and I like to stay up to date on that sort of thing. There’s a good chance that I may not like the author, but I still want to stay up to date on them.

The Fear has actually become one of my favorite books of 2022. Natasha has a really great way with words and keeping you interested in all 368 pages.

The story is very fast paced and I’m here for it. It seems like that’s what she’s really good at. She’s good at completely throwing you off too. I questioned myself a lot when it came to certain events in the book.

There are only two things that have bothered me with The Fear. One is that I was able to guess who the bad guy was pretty fast. The second thing is that Izzy is a pretty dumb character. She has suspicions about people but she still puts her full trust in them. Just why?

However, the ending did throw me for a loop. That’s what I loved about it though. So, I give this book a five star because it was very well done. Even though there were two things I didn’t care for in the book I was still highly entertained. If you enjoy books like this, then you might also like This is Why We Lie.

Make sure to check out my post on YA Thrillers. Who knows you might find your next read.

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