Books Thriller

The Dead Husband by Carter Wilson [book review]

The Dead Husband

Book: The Dead Husband

By: Carter Wilson

Published: June 4, 2021

Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 400

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The Dead Husband book summary

Twenty years ago a huge tragedy uproots Tose Yate’s small hometown. Rose and her family know exactly what happened. Rose escapes into a new life full of guilt. Now she seems to have it all; a marriage, a son, and a career. but then her husband dies. Is she to blame?

What I thought:

I want to thank Carter Wilson and Poisoned Pen Press for the opportunity to read and review The Dead Husband. I had picked this book up mostly for the synopsis. It seems like this book has a lot going on and there would be lots of twists and turns. The cover is what caught my attention, to begin with. It says to me, ‘I have secrets that are about to be vented out.’ I love drama as long as I’m not a part of it.

The Dead Husband

So, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about The Dead Husband. On one aspect you do get a lot of plot twists thrown your way. Don’t get me wrong I love that. I love having twists thrown my way that I was not expecting. What’s the point of a thriller if you figure out the secret before you’re really meant to. I loved that about The Dead Husband. There were times when I thought Rose could have potentially killed her husband.

On the other hand, The Dead Husband had a lot of slow parts to it that made me lose interest often. So the pacing wasn’t all that great to me even though the “secrets” were done really well. I can’t really pinpoint what it was but there was something I didn’t quite like about Rose. I think it’s because she went back to her family knowing what they are like and knowing her sister didn’t really want her there. There’s no way I would go back and let them pull me into their mess.

For me, this is a solid three-star book since there are aspects I liked and didn’t like.

If you like books like this then you may also like My Lovely Wife.

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