Such a Quiet Place by Megan Miranda [book review]

Such a Quiet Place book

Book: Such a Quiet Place

By: Megan Miranda

Published: July 13, 2021

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Pages: 337

Genre: Thriller

Amazon | Bookshop

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About Such a Quiet Place

Hollow’s Edge use to be quiet. It was an idyllic neighborhood and often sought out. It was a private neighborhood where neighbors often looked out for one another. That is until someone was killed. Now a year later the neighbors are trapped. Some have been trying to sell their homes. but after the death, no one wants to buy the homes there. Now Ruby, the person convicted of the murder, has walked back into the neighborhood putting the entire neighborhood on edge. Harper has always treated her like a younger sister but now she’s back in her home she’s terrified. What reasoning does Ruby have for returning to the scene of the crime?

Such a Quiet Place book

What I thought

So I’ve been taking full and complete advantage of the Libby app and checking out audiobooks. This app through the library has been a lifesaver this year. I just wish I had known about it a lot sooner. I discovered Such a Quiet Place through the app and felt like I had to wait a while in order to get the audiobook but the wait was worth it. The main reason I picked up such a Quiet Place one is because of the cover. I’m not completely sure why because it’s not like the cover is the most beautiful thing in the world but it definitely caught my attention. I don’t know what it is about “small town” or “close” neighborhoods that always catch my attention but they do. I think it’s partly because I come from a somewhat small town and I’ve always kind of wished to live in a neighborhood that has a community. Granted Such a Quiet Place makes me question ever wanting to live in a neighborhood like that.

The only thing that really bothers me is how Harper doesn’t push Ruby out of her home. It’s understandable because they were close, but I don’t know if I’d want someone in my home who is clearly back for revenge. Other than that the story is pretty fast-paced with loads of twists and turns. Harper is pretty realistic other than letting Ruby stay with her. Honestly, I don’t even know if I’d stay in the neighborhood after all that happens.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

If you’re wanting a book similar to Such a Quiet Place then you might like The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives.

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2 thoughts on “Such a Quiet Place by Megan Miranda [book review]

  1. Kristi Housman

    I need to read this. I have liked everything I’ve read by Megan Miranda so far. Great review!

    1. Kaili

      Thank you! This was actually the first book I read by Megan Miranda!

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