Books Horror Middle Grade

Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space by C.D. Gallant-King

Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space

Book: Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space

By: C.D. Gallant-King

Published: September 28, 2020

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Horror-Comedy

Pages: 257

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About Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space:

Nothing has happened in Newfoundland, Canada in nearly thirty years since the military abandoned the base. That is unless you count Tuesday night 2-for-1 video rentals. When a body is found in the town water supply it’s assumed that it was just an accident.

Awkward preteens Niall, Pius, and Harper are just trying to have fun on their last days of summer before high school. On the same night, the body is found all three of them see weird lights in the sky. Do they have anything to do with the death? There is something evil hidden deep within the waters that is hungry and vengeful. The only thing that stands in the way is a group of kids who would rather be playing games.

Psycho Hose Beast from Out Space

What I thought:

I’m so glad that C.D. Gallant-King contacted me about reading and reviewing Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space. I love books that take place in the 90s. Why? Because that’s when I grew up and I have such fond memories of that time. I love the name of the book as well. It always seems like not many like comedic horror but I love them. To be honest some of my favorite movies are comedic horror. I don’t want them to always be so serious. It gets boring!

I have to admit that this book is very well written. It’s fast-paced and kept me interested. Lately, the books I’ve been reading have been hit or miss with the pace.

I think my favorite character is the girl, Harper, in the story. She really reminds me of me when I was younger. I pretty much grew up a “tomboy” and hung around a lot of guys at the time. I love books that kind of make it more common. We can’t all be girly and that’s okay. Some of us are just meant to be friends with more guys than girls!

The story has a lot of creepy aspects to it but there are quite a few funny parts as well. There’s a good mix between the two and it makes the book great. I can’t wait to read more by C. D. Gallant-King. This is by far one of my favorite books this year and I rate it a four-star out of five!

If you like books like this then you might also enjoy the list of Horror Middle-Grade Books.

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