Books Thriller

Our Little Secret by Kiersten Modglin [book review]

Our Little Secret

Book: Our Little Secret

By: Kiersten Modglin

Published: August 24, 2021

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 300

Amazon | Bookshop

Our Little Secret book summary

Our Little Secret takes place in Cason Glen. Nothing ever bad happens there and the locals make sure of it. When someone goes missing it sends a wave of panic through the town. Things like this aren’t supposed to happen in Cason Glen. Soon they realized they have been tricked and everything is not as it seems. When there’s a crack in their perfect world it creates a web of lies that they have missed.

Our Little Secret

What I thought:

I want to thank Netgalley and Kiersten Modglin for the opportunity to read and review Our Little Secret. I can’t really remember what captured my attention with Our Little Secret other than it’s a thriller. A good majority of thrillers tend to catch my attention so I’m glad this one stood out to me.

This is actually the first time I’m hearing about any of Kiersten’s books and I’m so glad I found out about it. Usually, multiple POVs bother me a little bit because at times it’s hard to keep up with all of them. So, I’m happy with Our Little Secret that all of the characters are vastly different. The characters don’t blend in with one another at all as most do.

One thing I do have to compliment the book is very well-paced. The story has a lot of twists and turns that I was not expecting. A lot of things happen in the book I was not expecting. Kiersten does a great job at keeping you interested in the story and what exactly was going to unfold. And let me tell ya a lot unfolds in this story with a very surprising ending.

Our Little Secret has more of a surprise ending than most thrillers I have been reading lately. If you have been reading my reviews for a while you know those are the type of thrillers I love. I can’t wait to get more of her books.

Do you like thrillers with twists and turns?

If you enjoy books like this then you might also enjoy The Sinful Lives of Trophy Wives.

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