Books Thriller YA

Man Down by James Goodhand [Spotlight]

Man Down

Book: Man Down

Author: James Goodhand

Publisher: Penguin

Genre: YA Thriller/Drama

Length: 391 Pages

Publishing: 3rd March 2022


I want to thank The Write Reads, James Goodhand, and Penguin for the opportunity with this tour. Ya thrillers are one of my favorite books to read. This YA Thriller has a very interesting concept and deals with toxic masculinity that makes you really feel for Will.

About Man Down

Will Parks needs to man up.

A man stands. A man fights. A man bleeds.

These are the first lessons you learn in a town where girls are objects, words are weak and fists do the talking.

Will’s more at home in the classroom than the gym, and the most important woman in his life is his gran. So how can a boy who’s always backed away from a fight become the hero who saves the day?

Because a disaster is coming. One that Will can prevent. But only if he learns the most important lesson of all: sometimes to step up, you have to man down. 

A searingly powerful exploration of toxic masculinity, perfect for fans of Juno Dawson or They Both Die at the End.

About the Author

Man Down

James lives in Surrey with his wife and newborn son.

He took up writing three years ago. A mechanic by day, much of his work has been written at an oil-stained workbench whilst ignoring a queue of broken cars in need of his attention.

James is also a keen musician, regularly gigging as a rhythm & blues pianist.

​James’ debut YA novel, Last Lesson, tackling teen mental illness and toxic masculinity, was published in spring 2020 by Penguin Random House Children’s.

Thanks for checking out my spotlight! If you’re wanting more YA thrillers to read make sure to check them out here.

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