inspirational nonfiction books
Book Discussion Books

Inspirational Nonfiction books for self-improvement


Welcome to Owl Book World! Like I said in my inspirational fiction books list I have been on a kind of kick with books that inspire you to do better and to be better. So, now I’m here with inspirational nonfiction books in case there’s something on there you would rather read. Since the pandemic has started I have gotten myself in a rut just like I’m sure many of you have as well. COVID has changed so much in our lives and I don’t think it’s exactly for the better (but maybe for some). We’re all pretty much for the most part stuck at home with not a lot to do. Granted most of you guys are probably happy with this because you aren’t as busy as you were.

Inspiration nonfiction books

As an introvert, I can’t handle it anymore. I know I know as an introvert I should be enjoying this. But being at home all of the time has only made that worse. I don’t want to get out and I don’t want to spend time with friends. Now that I have gotten this way my mental health has gone down tremendously.

It’s time for a change which is why I have been reading a lot of self-help books and inspirational books. One they help lift your spirit and two they help motivate you to do better. Hopefully, when you’re motivated you take that step to do what you want and work on making yourself feel better.

Hopefully, I’m not alone in how I’m feeling and want to change things.

Inspirational Nonfiction books

I get that nonfiction books aren’t for everyone. I’m still putting this out there because even if you think you won’t like them you actually might if you gave it a try. I was one of those people who assumed I wouldn’t like them. Now I’m requesting them from the library and find them inspiring. They make me want to do better and live my life to the fullest. Now I just need to put my foot forward and not be scared of change.

The 5 Second Rule

inspirational non fiction

Throughout our lives, we’ve had parents, coaches, teachers, friends, and mentors who push you to be better and overcome your fears and negative self-talk. What if the secret to courage and confidence in knowing how to push yourself? The 5 Second Rule teaches you it only takes five seconds to become confident and break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt.

I think The 5 Second Rule is one book that would be great to start off with. Why? Kind of like the synopsis says growing up we get so used to others pushing us and helping us strive to do better. It takes us far too long to realize that we really need to be our own coach and our own encouragement. Not everyone really cares about what you accomplish or how you push yourself either. All you really have is you. If this sounds like you then make sure you check out this book.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon

The Art of Happiness

inspirational non fiction

The Art of Happiness follows a series of interviews with The Dalai Lama. It teaches us how to defeat day-to-day anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement.

Even though I have heard of The Dalai Lama before I don’t think I’ve heard of The Art of Happiness. I do see this being a great book to read because there seem to be more people than not that aren’t happy. That’s me included. The Art of Happiness seems like a great book to kind of help you be happier with your life. Just because you want to change things doesn’t mean that you can’t still be happy with how things are or with how far you have gotten.

It doesn’t help that a lot of us are dealing with anxiety now and The Art of Happiness seems to be the book to help you with that. This is definitely a great book to add to your inspirational nonfiction books list.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop


When Tara Westover was 17 she walked into a classroom for the first time. She was born to survivalist parents and constantly had to prepare for the end of the world. Her father never allowed her to go to the hospital so when something bad happened her mother healed it with herbs. They were so secluded there was no one around to give them proper education and no one to intervene when her brother started getting violent. Wanting to change Tara started educating herself enough so she got accepted to a university and escaped her family.

When I read about this story my jaw dropped. I get that there are tons of families who are survivalists and probably don’t let their kids go to school. The idea of that baffles me. So, Educated is a great book to add to your inspirational nonfiction books because it teaches you that everyone can teach themselves what they want and still strive.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

Emma and I

Emma and I follows Sheila’s own story. It follows her account as a young blind woman wanting to fully live again. She introduces her dog Emma along with her dedication in helping Sheila become a better version of herself.

I know Emma and I doesn’t really seem like a very inspirational nonfiction book. In fact, it seems more like fiction rather than nonfiction (to me even though I’m not sure why). But the idea of the story actually does bring hope and makes you think about your life a little bit more. Stories like this make you realize that other people’s lives can be a lot worse than yours (not saying that being blind automatically makes your life bad). But things like this open your eyes to the reality of the world and how others have a lot more hope than you do.

To me it makes you think, why is that?

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon

The More You Do The Better you Feel

inspirational nonfiction books

The More You Do The Better you Feel helps you learn the golden rules of overcoming procrastination. The book helps readers stop falling victim to the overwhelming feeling of procrastination and depression.

So I added The More You Do The Better you Feel to the inspirational nonfiction books because it’s true. At least it’s true for me so I know it has to be true for a lot of other people. When you push yourself to actually do the things that you want to do then it will help you feel better.

Procrastinating on things you have wanted to do will not make you feel better and will eventually make you feel guilty. The More You Do The Better you Feel gives you the tools to overcome it and do better.

If you’re interested in this book you can find it here: Amazon | Bookshop

I really hope that this post helps inspire you to do the things that you have been wanting to do in your life and helps push you to be a happier you.

Are there any inspirational nonfiction books that you have enjoyed? If you have read some then how have they changed your life for the better?

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