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Ghosting everyone for 2025: A year of inspiring victory


Hi! My name is Kaili and I’m the one who runs Owl Book World. I’m very passionate about horror books and movies. I’m also passionate about mental health, traveling, and motherhood. I hope you stick with me!

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Have you guys heard anything about ghosting people? This is something that has been popping up on my YouTube feed for the past few months. I love the idea of doing something like this and I feel like a lot of other people are too.

2024 has been the year that I have been comparing myself a lot. I have been comparing myself, my house, my life, what I’m doing, and my family. I’m sick of it. Things have got to change. I’m sure if you are here then you feel the same way.

So what exactly is ghosting and why should you be going ghost for 2025?

What is ghosting?

Ghosting is basically what it says. You disappear for a certain amount of time to accomplish your goals and then you come back and surprise everyone.

No one is entitled to your time or your life. With social media taking up a majority of our time any more and the fact that we’re pretty much addicted to getting on there, we’re also addicted to oversharing our lives and comparing.

With that being said most of us (a good majority of us) are living with really bad FOMO. I know I am. That also comes with constantly comparing. It’s time for all of us to stop and focus only on ourselves. We’re not meant to see this much of other people’s lives.


Why should you go ghost?

In my opinion, ghosting is a great idea for accomplishing your goals during the year. I know that when I set my goals, I start to compare at some point. This is also why I try to stay off social media a bit because I know I’m the type of person who will do that. Once this starts to happen, I tend to lose motivation and not accomplish as much as I would like to.

I’ve also heard that if you tell people your goals then your brain will automatically think that you have accomplished them and you wind up never even finishing.

I just like the idea of not involving people in my life at this point. I feel like most people are only wanting to see you fail on social media or put you down. Social media is good about making you compare and putting you down.

In that regard, if you are serious about trying to accomplish your goals then I highly suggest pushing yourself to stay off of social media. I would maybe try to not meet up with people with negative energy and those you aren’t really that close to.

How long should you go ghost?

This is something that will vary from person to person. Personally, for me, I’m going to try and go ghost for roughly 6 months. I know that’s a long time but quite a few of my goals are actually going to take me a bit to see a difference. Kind of like the fact that I want to lose 50 pounds. It’s going to be a little bit before anyone notices a difference with that.

There are also a few things that I want to accomplish that I’m a little nervous about. Some of them are big goals and I don’t want to distract myself from the big picture.

Some of you guys probably have smaller goals for the year which means you don’t have to disappear for so long.

Steps to Make Going Ghost Successful

For starters, you need to figure out what your goals are going to be. Usually, I like to start with kind of broad goals to get an idea of what I want to do. After that, I get a little more detailed with the goals and how I want to progress with it.

This means that I turn the broad goals into smaller goals and goals that I can track. Then after that, I go ahead and set quarter 1 goals. I suggest only doing one quarter at a time because there are some goals you might not be able to complete and have to push to the next quarter.

That is if you’re writing them down on paper like I do. I try to write all my goals on paper which is why I don’t like to try and plan too far ahead. But if you’re doing it on a computer, Ipad, or phone then it will be okay to plan a little bit ahead since it will be easier to move things around.

After all of that is done then it’s time to figure out how long ghosting everyone is going to take you. This will depend on the goals you have and how long you think it will take for people to notice a difference and where you won’t lose the momentum on your progress.

Conclusion about ghosting

The conclusion to going ghost is to stay away from social media as much as you can. You also need to cut off people who aren’t important to you and wouldn’t celebrate you in your success to begin with. Also, it would help to get clear on what you want to accomplish in this time frame and how long it will take for people to take notice. Don’t get discouraged when things don’t go as planned and try to regroup and replan.

Also, take note that going ghost isn’t for everyone. Sometimes this can cause a little bit of depression because you are taking yourself away from people to an extent. If this becomes a problem then I would highly suggest doing this for a shorter amount of time or I would find an alternate solution.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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