Book: Eight Perfect Murders
By: Peter Swanson
Published: March 3, 2020
Publisher: William Morrorw
Pages: 270
Genre: Thriller
Eight Perfect Murders Characters: Malcolm Kershaw
Eight Perfect Murders summary:
Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson follows Malcolm Kershaw. Malcolm is the owner of Old Devils Bookstore in Boston and has been a bookseller for years. Years ago Malcolm compiled a list for a blog post of mystery books with unsolvable murders. Most of the murders are impossible to crack and he titles it “Eight Perfect Murders”. But he’s surprised when an FBI agent calls to talk about murders that have been happening. What does Malcolm have anything to do with it? Apparently, the killer is using Malcolm’s list to create the “perfect” murder.
What I thought
I know I know I’m reading and reviewing another thriller book. I can’t really help it because I like them. Eight Perfect Murders popped up on the Libby app for me (which I obviously have been taking full advantage of lately). The synopsis caught my attention and so did the book cover. I love murder mysteries and trying to figure out who the killer might be.
Eight Perfect Murders has quite a few twists and turns and all of them I wasn’t really expecting. I love thrillers that are good with a twist and turns and are good about throwing you off.
There are only two things that bother me with the story. One I think it’s a little crazy that an FBI agent would trust someone so easily especially when she thinks there’s a chance of him being involved in the murders. And why would she take him to the crime scene? The second thing is that I wish Malcolm felt more paranoid about what was going on. Instead, he’s cool, calm, and collected. I wish there was a bit of a break in him.
Other than those two things I really enjoyed the book. The pacing was done very well and for the most part, I really liked the characters. I feel like the story was really well done. There were quite a few things I was not expecting with the story, and overall it kept me wondering what was going to happen next.
Eight Perfect Murders is the perfect book for those that enjoy fast-paced thrillers that will throw you for a loop.

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