Books Horror

Black Tide by K.C. Jones [book review]

Black Tide

Book: Black Tide

By: K. C. Jones

Published: May 31, 2022

Publisher: Nightfire

Pages: 245

Genre: Horror

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About Black Tide

Black Tide follows Beth for the most part. She is hired to stay at a strangers house to house sit and dog sit. It all started with just a regular day on the beach when Beth made friends with her neighbor Mike. After a drunken night, they both wake up to a cosmic horror happening. Even though at first it was a bit scary it is still something that caught everyone’s interest to be up close and personal with it. That is until the monsters come out to play.

What I thought

I managed to get an advance copy of Black Tide through Netgalley and I was pretty excited to get to it at the time. Granted it took me a while to actually get through the book. For a while I was going through a pretty rough patch when it came to reading. Now I’m kind of getting back on track and I’m so happy about that!

So, I can’t really decide how I feel about Black Tide. I love the concept and I know I would be scared if I was in a situation like this. I know I would probably panic and do something really stupid. Having a meteor land in the city you’re in would be crazy enough, but having monsters show up would be the worst. It’s hard to imagine.

Black Tide Book review

I think what bothers me most with the book is that it literally takes place in one spot. I have never been a fan of books or movies that stay in one spot. It gets a little boring and there’s only so much you can do when your characters are stuck in the same area for a long period of time. At least that’s what it feels like to me.

I just wish there was more going on in the story. There are a couple of times I wound up losing interest because there’s just not much going on other than the two main characters trying to escape. I kind of wanted more action than what we got.

My only other issue is that I didn’t exactly care for the main characters all that much. I wasn’t all that invested in if they actually survived or not. To me, I kind of feel like Black Tide really relies on actually caring for them and rooting for them.

However, there are a couple of things I enjoyed about the story. I feel like K.C. Jones does a great job pushing the plot forward. I have come across way too many books where the plot kind of goes on a standstill and it takes forever for the flow to start picking up again. That didn’t happen with this one. The other thing is that I found Beth to be a really kick-ass character. There are aspects of her that I love!

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