Books Thriller

What I did by Kayla Krantz [book review]

What I did

Book: What I Did

Author: Kayla Krantz

Published: June 2020

Publisher: Into the Darkness Publishing

Genre: New Adult Thriller


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What I did book summary:

What I did is about Jessica. She’s a pretty blonde but also pretty introverted. She usually sticks to herself even at her college and work. She has one best friend who seems to be a very supportive person. Her dad is gone but she still lives with her mother. But her mother isn’t really the best role model since she has an addiction to pills.

Because of this Jessica more or less stuck to herself. For a while, she knew something was wrong with her. Something wrong with her brain that attracted her to horror movies and true crimes. But when a shooter shows up at her grocery store during her shift she soon realizes that she has to let the darkness grow.

The darkness that continues to grow doesn’t get any better when she soon realizes that she has a stalker. Not only is this person following her around but this person is managing to take pictures without Jessica knowing about it. Will the darkness continue to grow? Or will Jessica let it get the best of her?

What I Did
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought about What I did:

So, Jessica basically has to take care of herself and she does a really great job of that. But it doesn’t help that she has this darkness growing in her. It’s what attracts her to horror movies and true crime shows. It’s not until an active shooter shows up at the grocery store that she realizes that she has to let that darkness grow.

The Characters

I don’t really know how I feel about What I did. The concept of this book is really interesting. I’ve always liked the idea of someone who has a dark mind blending in with everyone. No one really knows a person no matter how close they think they are to them. This is why people can be scary sometimes. They can flip a switch within a matter of minutes.

The downside of this book to me is that I really didn’t care for Jessica. She doesn’t really fit the profile of how the author wrote her. Jessica seems like a really nice person who just has a morbid curiosity that most people wouldn’t really think about. But the author kind of made her seem worse off.

To be honest I really hate the idea that a lot of people put quiet introverted people into a box. I don’t know how many times I heard that one day I would probably snap just because I’m quiet and like horror movies. Just because of how our personalities are I feel like Jessica and I would make great friends. We’re so much alike minus the morbid curiosity.

The fact that we’re a lot alike is why I hate the fact that she’s classified as a little bit crazy. I just don’t want to see someone who is very similar to me be shined in that type of light. I don’t really think I could ever go as far as Jessica even if I was just trying to protect myself.

Some of the Characters in What I did deserved what they got. There is a stalker in the book that has an absolute obsession with Jessica. I’m not sure if it’s because Jessica turned the guy down or if there was something deep down inside that just wasn’t right. Or maybe it was a little bit of both things. But I do know I couldn’t stand this guy in the book. I’m just glad that I never had someone like him in my life.

What do you guys think about books like this? Do you think it’s a crazy idea that someone who is introverted would have this type of dark secret? I’m sure they would but I just hate how all introverted people are grouped together.

If you enjoy books such as this one then you might like I Hope You’re Listening.

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