Books Contemporary Mystery YA

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart [book review]

We Were Liars

Book: We Were Liars

By: E. Lockhart

Published: May 13, 2014

Publisher: Declacorte Press

Pages: 242

Genre: YA Mystery

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About We Were Liars

We Were Liars follows a young girl who goes to her grandfather’s island during the summer for a vacation. But after her “15th” summer there she’s not allowed to go back for a couple of summers. Something bad happened there and for the most part, she doesn’t really remember what happened. She wants to remember that summer but no one is answering her questions. She is left in the dark. So, when she goes back to the island two summers later everything is different. Her grandfather’s house has changed and her aunts are acting strange. What happened that summer and why won’t anyone tell her?

We Were Liars

What I thought

So, I don’t know how I feel about We Were Liars. I have had this book on my shelf for ages but when the new book came out I finally realized that I needed to get to this one. For the longest time, there has been a lot of hype. It seems like when TikTok became a big thing then this book started to get a lot of hype again. I do have to say that the hype on TikTok kind of pushed me to want to read the book again.

What I Didn’t Like

My main issue is that a good chunk of the book is slow. I caught myself losing interest in quite a bit of the book. There are also random little stories in the book that I don’t really understand. It’s not that I didn’t understand the stories but more or less I didn’t really understand why they were included.

What I liked

One positive is that the ending really did surprise me. I wasn’t expecting it and I love how we are fed new information the further we get into the book. We can’t guess what’s going to happen because we’re not really given enough information to even be able to. So I really liked the way that was done.

But other than that I really enjoyed the book. Even though I did lose interest in some of the book it did keep my interest through a good chunk. I actually can’t wait to read the prequel to the story. Since this one kept my interest for the most part I’m sure the next book might be the same way. I actually think I like most of the characters in the book as well.

How do you feel about books with surprise endings? We Were Liars is definitely a four-star read for me!

If you like this book then you might like The Half Orphan’s Handbook.

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