Books Dystopian YA

The Unseen Ones by Danielle Harrington

The Unseen Ones

Book: The Unseen Ones

Author: Danielle Harrington

Published: December 1, 2020

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

Genre: YA Dystopian

Pages: 328

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The Unseen Ones book summary:

The Unseen Ones is a dystopian novel by Danielle Harrington and was published December 1, 2020, by Acorn publishing. This is the second book in the Hollis Timewire series. This series is about when teens come to age at sixteen they are tested. Tested for what? To see if they are diseased. This isn’t your typical disease though. Most of those who are considered “diseased” have powers.

The powers are all unique and helpful in some way. The government just doesn’t see it that way. When Hollis makes one of the biggest mistakes she could ever make the “diseased ones” set her up for execution. Despite what the people want they are reasoned with and now Hollis has a thirty-day trial. She has to be on her best behavior in order to stay there, but it doesn’t help that a lot of the people don’t want her there after what happened and try to set her up for failure.

Will Hollis be able to figure things out? Can she get back on everyone’s good graces despite what had happened?

The Unseen Ones
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about The Unseen Ones:

I absolutely love the Hollis Timewire series so far! Dystopian novels are one of my favorite genres because sometimes they run so close to the real world. Or I can imagine it being this way if there really were people with powers. I can see the government feels threatened because these people could take over if they really wanted to.

Honestly, I was really curious how exactly The Unseen ones was going to continue. I’m not going to state what happened in the first book because… well I don’t want to ruin anything if you’re planning on reading it. But something happens to Hollis at the end of the first book and because of this, I wasn’t really sure what direction the second book was going to take. The direction that Danielle Harrington takes is actually really good and kind of surprised me. Not that I thought the book would be bad but sometimes you can kind of guess the direction the author is going to take!

One character I ended up really enjoying is Jonah. For one his ability is really cool and how he’s able to use it to help others who can’t really use theirs very well yet. Jonah is one of the most compassionate characters I ever had the chance to read about. I’ve read a lot of books with really nice characters, but a lot of the characters weren’t really as companionate as Jonah. Even though some of the characters I’ve read about come across as nice, a lot of them come off as really petty too. I didn’t get that vibe from Jonah and I love that. Not only is Jonah a really nice guy he also stands up for Hollis. Despite what Hollis does being her mistake and hers only I’m still glad that Jonah cares and wants to help her.

The ending of this book has me so excited to read the next book. I just hate that I have to wait for it!

If you like dystopian book then check out my list of YA dystopian books you should check out.

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1 Comment

  1. Giselle

    Great review! This sounds like a really unique series with well written characters, too – Jonah especially! 🙂 Glad you liked it!

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