Books Thriller

The Herd by Andrea Bartz [book review]

The Herd

Book: The Herd

Author: Andrea Bartz

Published: March 24, 2020

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Genre: Adult Thriller

Pages: 336

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The Herd by Andrea Bartz book summary:

The Herd by Andrea Bartz is a thriller book that follows Katie Bradley. She has been introduced to the HERd which is an all-woman workspace for elite women. It’s a very important place and a safe place for those women. When Katie heads back to the area after some book research blew up in her face she’s hoping to get another job. Thankfully she has an in through her sister who is best friends with the founder, Eleanor. When she starts she’s working around the clock in order to prepare for big news that Eleanor is planning to release soon. That is up until Eleanor disappears and no one really knows where she is. Does Eleanor have any enemies that would want to see her gone?

The Herd
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about The Herd:

If you’re finding yourself here checking out this review then make sure to check out Andrea Bartz other book We Were Never Here.

The Herd is about powerful women cohabiting a workspace together. No men are allowed to work hence why it’s called HERd. When Katie makes it back to New York she’s excited. Her sister has gotten her an opportunity of working at The Herd. There are hundreds of applicants that still haven’t been processed and Katie is able to get right in. But on her very first day there something crazy has happened that sends her in journalist mode. Eventually, she does put it behind her..that is until her friend Eleanor, the CEO of the herd, disappears. No one knows where she is and that’s really unlike her. Is the incident from when she first started a part of Eleanor’s disappearance? Will Katie and her sister Hana be able to find out what happened to her?

The Herd is a really interesting thriller/mystery about how women in power are hated. So many people hated Eleanor because she was the face of a multi-billion dollar company. Who wouldn’t be jealous of that? Even though Eleanor worked really hard for what she achieved not many people were going to be happy about it. The fact that she’s hated by so many people kind of leaves things wide open with Eleanor. Did she leave on her own? Or did someone get their hands on her?

Typically I don’t really care for the feminist type of books. There are some women who have kind of left a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to feminism. So, usually, it’s a topic I like to avoid. There’s nothing against it though. Even though this book has feminist qualities to it I still enjoyed it. I was a little shocked by the ending but Andrea did such a great job with it. I’m looking forward to reading more books by her!

If you enjoy this review then you may also like my review for The Wife Upstairs.

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