Book: The Forgotten Child
Author: Melissa Erin Jackson
Published: October 10, 2018
Publisher: Ringtail Press
Genre: Horror
Pages: 363
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The Forgotten Child Book Summary:
The Forgotten Child is a paranormal mystery that follows a young woman in her mid-twenties named Riley. She lives alone and spends most of her time working. During her very limited free time she’s at home watching and rewatching tv shows and avoiding her best friend. When her friend shows up at her front door she talks Riley into getting out of her rut and go to a paranormal investigation at a famous ranch. When she gets there she if forced to deal with a fear that she’s had since she was thirteen. What is that fear? Being able to communicate with the dead. When she starts communicating with a boy she realizes that his disappearance was never solved. Can she overcome her fear of being able to talk to ghosts? Will she be able to help the boy find closure?
Other books by Melissa Erin Jackson you should check out are Pawsitively Poisonous, Pawsitively Cursed, Pawstitively Secretive, Pawsitively Swindled, Pawsitively Betrayed. There is also Shuttered Secrets. When I’m done reading that one I’ll be sure to link the review up to this post.
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Rating: 5 out of 5.
What I thought about The Forgotten Child:
I got this paranormal treasure off of NetGalley because the book cover really appealed to me. I know I should not get a book solely based on the cover of the book because that will leave you up for disappointment. Thankfully, that didn’t happen with this book. It wasn’t really scary but the book is intense enough to keep you interested.
I found myself being able to connect to Riley’s personality and she quickly became one of my favorite characters. She has a lot of growth throughout the book in how she handles things and being able to overcome her fear. It does have a couple of slow parts, but what book doesn’t? I honestly haven’t read a ghost story in a while and I am glad that I haven’t because I notice the more I start to read a particular genre the more disappointed I get with certain books. If you have any interest in paranormal mysteries then you really should check this book out!
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