Books Thriller YA

Pretty Little Liars by Sarah Shepard [book review]

Pretty Little Liars

Book: Pretty Little Liars

Author: Sarah Shepard

Published: October 1, 2006

Publisher: HarperCollins

Pages: 286

Genre: YA Thriller

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Pretty Little Liars book summary

Pretty Little Liars follows a few high school students who were once friends. That is until the night they were having a sleepover and Alison disappeared. After that, they had nothing to do with each other. That is until they start high school and everything changes. They start getting threatening messages from someone that knows their secrets and they go by A… Could it be Alison?

What I thought

Have you guys heard about another Pretty Little Liars show coming up? I surprisingly didn’t even hear about it until after I had already finished the first book and I can’t wait for it to come out. I just hope the newer show is better than the last one because the final season was very anticlimactic. That actually makes me wonder how exactly the books end though.

So I watched the show Pretty Little Liars when it first came out. I don’t know why I have taken so long to actually read the book, but I think it’s partly because I didn’t find out about the books until after I watched the show and by then I didn’t really care to read the book. Don’t ask me why because I have no idea. At least I’m getting to them now. I just hope I’m going to enjoy the books as much as I did the show. Even though I’m enjoying it right now it makes me glad I didn’t go to a school like this back in high school. Most of the girls there weren’t this crazy.

It’s crazy to me how a lot of the events are similar to me with the show but all of the girl’s looks are completely different. I heard that there are even bigger changes with other things.

I don’t know if it’s just me but the girls in the book seem so much crueler than the ones in the show. I’m not sure why that is. I think this is one of the few cases where I feel like the show actually humanizes the characters a bit and they seem a little less cruel.

If you’ve watched the show what did you think about it? I hope this post pushes you to actually read the books because it’s better late than never!

If you are interested in more thrillers to read check out my list of YA Thrillers you should have on your tbr.

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2 thoughts on “Pretty Little Liars by Sarah Shepard [book review]

  1. Mehsi

    Fab review! I haven’t seen the show yet, it is on HBO Max and my country didn’t get that one until a week or so ago, still not sure if I will get an account as I already got a few other streaming services. But who knows! I definitely do want to watch the show. I read the first few books a few years ago, but gave up as the Dutch translation just didn’t work for me that well and sadly none of my libraries have the books in English.

    1. Kaili

      I think they are rebooting the show pretty soon! I do wish there weren’t so many streaming services now :(.

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