Books Horror YA

Mary Will I Die by Shawn Sarles [book review]

Mary, Will I Die

Book: Mary, Will I Die?

By: Shawn Sarles

Published: September 7, 2021

Publisher: Scholastic Press

Pages: 301

Genre: YA Horror

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Mary Will I Die Book Summary

Mary Will I Die follows three girls and one boy. They use to be friends until after playing a game of bloody Mary when each and every one of them sees something. Now years later they don’t really talk to each other but playing that game still haunts them in a way to this day. Now that weird things are happening they are brought together again. They have to figure out a way to get rid of Mary before they are all killed.

What I thought

So, I found this book through our local library. I have to say that I’m really excited that I finished the because I have been struggling with finishing a physical book for months. Not that this book is so great that I had to finish it. But I was happy to just finish it. I picked the book up because look at that cover. The cover is super creepy and I love it.

I just wish this story was better. At first, I thought this was a solid four-star read but not that I have been thinking about it the story wasn’t as well written as I thought. There are some really creepy aspects to it but I wouldn’t say the story is really scary. The characters are kind of annoying and there’s no depth to them. You don’t really care if something happens to the characters. There needs to be a little bit more to the characters.

Mary Will I Die

Like I said earlier the book gets a little creepy but it’s few and far between. There are some things about the story that doesn’t make sense. When you play the game you have the chance of seeing your soul mate. But why would a demon bother showing you your soul mate? I don’t get it. Maybe it’s just me being weird.

Towards the end of the book, we find out why the real human Mary was there but there’s no explanation as to why Mary the demon wants Mary the human. I just hate that the first physical book I read in a while turned out to be a bummer.

If you’re interested in reading more YA Horror books you can check out my post here.

What are some of your favorite horror books?

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