Lies like Wildfire by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez [book review]

Lies Like Wildfire

Book: Lies Like Wildfire

Author: Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

Published: September 7, 2021

Publisher: Delacoret Press

Genre: YA Thriller

Pages: 384

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About Lies Like Wildfire

Lies Like Wildfire is a YA thriller by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez. The story follows eighteen-year-old Hannah Warner. She’s had a rough life from her mother driving drunk and accidentally killing someone to her father having to be the one to put her in jail. She’s now trying to get her life back on track. She’s doing well in school and has plans to go to college for law enforcement. When she and her friends go to their secret spot in the woods just to hang out something bad happens. They accidentally start a fire in California on a day they weren’t supposed to even think about lighting a flame. They keep the situation a secret but what happens when the police are able to figure out the source that’ll lead them their way.

Lies Like Wildfire
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Lies Like Wildfire

I want to thank Dave from The Write Reads and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review Lies Like Wildfire. I’m not even sure what I expected from the story but I saw the cover and saw that it was a YA thriller and I just had to get my hands on the book. I couldn’t help but be excited to read this one.

The Characters

Lies like Wildfire follows Hannah Warner who is ultimately a good kid. Despite all that has happened to her she still pushes herself to do better and to be better. She wants more for her life and not be like her mother who was a huge screw-up. Why would she want the same life for herself?

Jennifer does an amazing job with Hannah Warner. She’s a very three-dimensional character that I ended up really liking. On top of that I can see why she would be scared to tell anyone about the that she accidentally helped started. Hannah didn’t want to be anything like her mother and she didn’t want to let her father down. Her response to the whole situation seems completely logical. My only thing is that she’s not really a good friend. For someone who really wants to keep her friends together she’e perfectly willing to throw them under the bus.

The Plot

I’m not really sure what I was expecting when it comes to the plot of Lies Like Wildfire. When I ended up getting the earc for the book I had actually forgotten what the story was about so I was in for a nice surprise when I started reading it.

For me the start of the book and towards the end of book were really good. In the middle I wasn’t exactly sure where the story was going to go or if they were going to get charged for the fire. The story actually surpassed my expectations because like I said I had forgotten what the book was even about.

Yes, I know I need to stop stop participating in blog tours and then forgetting completely what the book was even about! I do it all of the time and I hope I’m not alone!

I do have to say that the ending completely surprised me and I loved it! I will be reading a lot more of Jennifer’s books!

If you liked this review then you might also like my list of YA thrillers you need to have on you shelf!

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