Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards [book review]

Four Found Dead

Book: Four Found Dead

By: Natalie D. Richards

Published: May 2, 2023

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Pages: 332

Genre: YA Thriller

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About Four Found Dead

Four Found Dead follows a group of kids who work at a movie theater. This is their last day there but not by choice. Their movie theater is closing down because the rest of the mall has closed down and no one really goes there anymore. As much as they have loved working there there is only one person that has made working there kind of miserable. That would be because of their manager. He’s hostile and doesn’t treat them right. Now on the last day, he’s making it where they can’t even leave when things are done. Just when they are going to ask him to let them out everything goes wrong.

What I thought

I picked up this book at Books A Million based on the cover alone and I’m so glad that I did! I went into this story with low expectations. There are quite a few people who told me that the book was bad. So my expectations were lowered.

I can see why some people don’t like it. From the start, we already know who the killer is. On top of that they are in one location throughout the entire book.

These things don’t bother me. For me, I only had two issues with the story. One of my problems is that the ending fell flat. I guess I was expecting a little more from it. My other concern is that I wish we had understood the manager’s motive. There are a few reasons that he could have gone on the deep end. I wish we would have gotten more definitive answers.

Other than those two things I enjoyed the story. To me, it’s a pretty fast-paced story and I couldn’t imagine being stuck in a movie theater. I couldn’t imagine not having my phone next to me. It’s things like this happening that make me want to keep my phone on me at all times.

This is where I started to question things a little bit. Is it even legal for a job to keep your phone away from you? I get being able to fire you if it’s distracting you. But I can’t imagine it being legal to keep people’s phones.

I’m happy I read the book, even though it might trigger some people. But overall, it was a pretty fun read. I get that but books like this don’t bother me since I’ve read darker.

If you’re planning on reading Four Found Dead just don’t go in it expecting a lot.

Now would I recommend Four Found Dead? I mean kind of. Some readers may find Four Found Dead hit or miss.

If you like YA thrillers then make sure to check out my list of favorite YA thrillers.

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