Books Mystery

Pawsitively Betrayed by Melissa Erin Jackson [book review]

Pawsitively Betrayed

Book: Pawsitively Betrayed

Author: Melissa Erin Jackson

Published: January 10, 2021

Publisher: Ringtale Press

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Pages: 382

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Pawsitively Betrayed:

Pawsitively Betrayed is a cozy mystery by Melissa Erin Jackson. The story follows Amber Blackwood who has a secret very few people know about. It’s that time of year again for the yearly cat festival that Amber always participates in. But her toys are breaking and blowing up when she knows they worked fine. Are the cursed witches in town trying to sabotage her business? If so, Amber is lucky to have her friends and family there to back her up.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Pawsitively Betrayed:

So I’ve been reading Melissa Erin Jackson’s books since her debut came out (The Forgotten Child). Starting there I loved the way she wrote her stories. They are captivating and really keep you interested. I picked up Pawsitively Betrayed because 1) I love the cover, 2) I had to finish the series, and 3) the story is just that good.

Pawsitively Betrayed
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The Characters

With all of the characters, I don’t think there’s one I really hate besides the Penhallows of course. I feel like we get a diverse main character and diverse side characters. I just love them all! For me, all of the characters are relatable and make the book that much better. I wish I could find people like those in this series.

The only thing I hate is how there are people in her small town that make fun of her being a shut-in. I bet Amber wouldn’t be like that if she knew they weren’t talking behind her back. But I guess you’re going to get judgemental people no matter where you are. A lot of the people in her hometown are so judgemental. I wish that wasn’t the case with smaller places.

The Plot

This entire series has really caught my attention and that’s saying a lot. Most series don’t keep my attention for very long. That’s mostly because there are lots of slow parts in the middle of the series. Usually, that’s where the story loses my interest. With this awesome cozy mystery, I never lost interest once and was pretty happy to find out what was going to happen.

I’ve said it in past posts and I will say it again. Even though it’s a small town I do love the idea of how this area is set up. A town with an actual theme to it and a somewhat close-knit community is a place I would love to in despite there being judgemental people around.

This series is perfect for those that love cozy mysteries and are looking for something quick to read. I can guarantee that you’ll read these books in a day and it all started with Pawsitively Poisonous.

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