Books Thriller YA

Delusions by Amy Crandall [book review]

Delusions by Amy Crandall

Book: Delusions

Author: Amy Crandall

Published: September 4, 2018

Publisher: Limitless Publishing

Genre: YA thriller

Pages: 348

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Delusions Book summary:

Delusions follow Abigale who is a high school student who doesn’t exactly have a lot of friends. When people start dying around her they all lead to her. She has to convince the detective that she didn’t do this. She couldn’t kill these people. But how can she convince him of her innocence when she has a connection with those that have been killed? Will Abigale be able to convince the detective that she didn’t do anything?

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Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

My review of Delusions:

I’m so happy that Amy Crandall contacted me to do a blog tour for Delusion! This was my very first ever blog tour and I had so much fun with it. The story kind of reminds me of a good mix of The Inheritance Games and Harrow Lake.

Delusions is a really good book! Amy has a great way with words and keeping you attached to what you are reading. The characters are believable and were realistic. The book is fast-paced and never has a dull moment. I’m glad secrets weren’t exposed too early because I like being able to guess what is going on, and it did perfectly at having me guessing throughout the book.

There were times I was able to guess right about what was going on but with most of it, I guessed wrong. I never would have figured out the ending which made me love the book even more. I have always liked books that end with a surprising twist.  There’s a bit of wiggle room to make another book and I really hope that the author takes the opportunity to continue the story in a sequel. If you like young adult mysteries then you should go check this book out!

I know there are some people who might not like this book though. In some ways, it kind of puts mental health in a negative light. But I do feel like when it comes to books and movies you really need to separate the two. I mean not everyone is going to think that those who have a mental illness are going to go crazy on everyone around them, but I do feel like it’s a good twist in a story. I hope that’s not just me!

Delusions is a really great thriller that I ended up really enjoying. I’m hoping soon I’ll be able to reread it again!

If you like YA thrillers then make sure to check out my review for 14 Ways to Die.

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6 thoughts on “Delusions by Amy Crandall [book review]

  1. Nikki @ Saturday Nite Reader

    I love endings I never predicted! Sounds like a thrilling read.

  2. shahenda

    It looks like a movie called Gothica starring Hally Bary😍

  3. Jo Linsdell

    This sounds like a great read. My kind of book. Thanks for putting it on my radar.

  4. DJ Sakata

    You have convinced me – I wants it!

  5. Love, Sawyer

    This sounds like a very engaging read. I really want to know how it ends!

  6. Amanda McGill

    Great review! Glad you loved it!

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